Latest Research Papers In Condensed Matter Physics | (Cond-Mat.Stat-Mech) 2019-02-27

Latest Papers in Condensed Matter Physics

Statistical Mechanics

Optimal probabilistic work extraction beyond the free energy difference with a single-electron device (1810.06274v2)

Olivier Maillet, Paolo A. Erdman, Vasco Cavina, Bibek Bhandari, Elsa T. Mannila, Joonas T. Peltonen, Andrea Mari, Fabio Taddei, Christopher Jarzynski, Vittorio Giovannetti, Jukka P. Pekola


We experimentally realize protocols that allow to extract work beyond the free energy difference from a single electron transistor at the single thermodynamic trajectory level. With two carefully designed out-of-equilibrium driving cycles featuring kicks of the control parameter, we demonstrate work extraction up to large fractions of or with probabilities substantially greater than 1/2, despite zero free energy difference over the cycle. Our results are explained in the framework of nonequilibrium fluctuation relations. We thus show that irreversibility can be used as a resource for optimal work extraction even in the absence of feedback from an external operator.

Almost strong 0, π edge modes in clean, interacting 1D Floquet systems (1902.09509v1)

Daniel J. Yates, Fabian H. L. Essler, Aditi Mitra


Certain periodically driven quantum many-particle systems in one dimension are known to exhibit edge modes that are related to topological properties and lead to approximate degeneracies of the Floquet spectrum. A similar situation occurs in spin chains, where stable edge modes were shown to exist at all energies in certain integrable spin chains. Moreover, these edge modes were found to be remarkably stable to perturbations. Here we investigate the stability of edge modes in interacting, periodically driven, clean systems. We introduce a model that features edge modes that persist over times scales well in excess of the time needed for the bulk of the system to heat to infinite temperatures.

Force-induced desorption of 3-star polymers in two dimensions (1902.07169v2)

CJ Bradly, EJ Janse van Rensburg, AL Owczarek, SG Whittington


We investigate the phase diagram of a self-avoiding walk model of a 3-star polymer in two dimensions, adsorbing at a surface and being desorbed by the action of a force. We show rigorously that there are four phases, a free phase, a ballistic phase, an adsorbed phase and a mixed phase where part of the 3-star is adsorbed and part is ballistic. We use both rigorous arguments and Monte Carlo methods to map out the phase diagram, and investigate the location and nature of the phase transition boundaries. In two dimensions, only two of the arms can be fully adsorbed in the surface and this alters the phase diagram when compared to 3-stars in three dimensions.

Proof of a conjecture on the infinite dimension limit of a unifying model for random matrix theory (1809.08444v2)

Mario Pernici, Giovanni M. Cicuta


We study the large limit of a sparse random block matrix ensemble. It depends on two parameters: the average connectivity and the size of the blocks , which is the dimension of an euclidean space. In the limit of large , with fixed, we prove the conjecture that the spectral distribution of the sparse random block matrix converges in the case of the Adjacency block matrix to the one of the effective medium approximation, in the case of the Laplacian block matrix to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution. We extend previous analytical computations of the moments of the spectral density of the Adjacency block matrix and the Lagrangian block matrix, valid for all values of and .

Statistical mechanics and time-series analysis by Lévy-parameters with the possibility of real-time application (1902.09425v1)

Alexander Jurisch


We develop a method that relates the truncated cumulant-function of the fourth order with the L'evian cumulant-function. This gives us explicit formulas for the L'evy-parameters, which allow a real-time analysis of the state of a random-motion. Cumbersome procedures like maximum-likelihood or least-square methods are unnecessary. Furthermore, we treat the L'evy-system in terms of statistical mechanics and work out it's thermodynamic properties. This also includes a discussion of the fractal nature of relativistic corrections. As examples for a time-series analysis, we apply our results on the time-series of the German DAX and the American S&P-500,.

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