Well..Shit cat! -Diary of an outbreak-

in #writing4 years ago

My cat is constipated
All bunged up
Walks the halls yowling and squatting
Spent 600$ on an emergency pooh last week
What do you do when your cat can't pooh?
And your out of a job
And your out of a proper vet
And you can't leave the house?

Not only am I sick
I am sad for a little life
That I don't know how to help
I am sick and I am tired and I am scared too

I wish my dad didn't work retail
I wish I could have convinced him to stop
I wish he wasn't working at all
Committing suicide over sporting goods
I miss my dad right now
I am worried

This is what money does to people
When something like this happens
Needing money always adds to the stress

You got too much and people think you're greedy
You got too little and you get to watch things die on you
Your dad dies cause he needed to pay rent and survive
Your husband died cause he needed to pay bills
Your cat dies of a poop that won't come cause you can't get a vet

When it comes down to it, money was the root of all evils at the end of my journey here
I hope the world likes being equal with me now
Broke and alone
Do you like it world?

Does it feel good world?
Does it feel good world to be broke?
Does it feel good world to feel lonely?
Does it feel good world to feel desperate?
Does it feel good world to be like me?

At least we finally have some solidarity.

OMG! My cat just shat!
I have never been more happy about a shit
It was clearly a difficult one
Poor cat
You seem so quiet and at peace now
Please drink more of your water and wet food
Because I have rubber gloves
And I am not afraid to use them cat
Cause that's love...
Having to deal with people's shit
Having to deal with shit
Dealing with shit = love
Shit = life


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