Shot down

in #news5 years ago

I am on a facebook group that follow what audio scanner warnings from hospitals and police, I follow accounts/ recordings.are going on in the island area. I only have like 15 friends on here so please listen!
Tonight everyone should secure their --- premises-- protect your families, Family -you should do everything to warn them. I feel you may believe as if you feel crazy. But it is our duty to caution the old and vulnerable at this time. WE HAVE TO WARN THE VULNERABLE the system will be overwhelmed if you do not convince those you love who do not believe. It is on each of us to convince our loved ones this is not a hoax but a real life event that most humans will have to face.

If you have been facing ridicule for warning others. I stop here and now and applaud you. When everyone said you where a fearmonger you fought on to tell people despite criticism. So many deserve our utmost respect right now. So many warned us and where shot down.


I try not to scream these days because that seems to make people double and triple down even when facerd with overwhelming and irrefutable evidence.

We're being slightly more stringent than we normally would be in a flu season but trying to tell the olds things like "don't go to church" falls on deaf ears.

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