Day one - Diary of an outbreak

in #poem5 years ago

I awoke with an itch in my throat - I clear it and clear but it sticks in your neck
Went on a bender the days before and puked and puked
I would like to say I puked more than humanly possible
But it was just the cheap vodka right?
The throat thing was probably just the blunt last night mixed with hungover puke throat.
It's fine...
I always get sick around this time of year...
It's fine...
Just something seasonal

Was it the kid coughing, as he rode on his bike?
I remember him riding by coughing up a storm
HE did not seem to have been told that a terrible pandemic was gripping the world
I wanted to shout after the brat...

"Cover your mouth - ya idiot!"
As he crested the hill he coughed like a 40 year old smoker
Little fucker could not have been bigger than 13
Why did he seem like a lung cancer patient?

Was it that old lady that needed to get right up next to me at the store and chat?

Was it that old lady that needed to get right up next to me in the woods to chat along a path?

Was it that old lady that needed to get right up next to me and ask about what this whole social distancing thing is in the drug store?

Why do old ladies need to get so close to everyone all of a sudden?, is what I want to know...

I got stuck in a busy store, It had been quite crowded

Nobody was wearing masks and that one guy coughed behind me in line

At the dispensary I heard the owner doing inventory in the back and coughing, Did my weed get dosed with the virus?

My husband didn't really take care in the beginning, it wasn't until they started locking European countries down that he started to pay attention to it like I did.

Maybe he got it when he was chatting up that red head at the coffee shop, he could never resist a red head.

Maybe when I hit up that food bank, that room is so small, everyone crammed in like cattle, I bet all those older volunteers will be the first to go. Poor people and elderly soup kitchen workers definitely a hot mess of a situation.

My husband has told work he can't go in tomorrow - they said if anyone gets symptoms to stay home
He got a cough this morning...He still went in today.

Does he have it and not me?

Does he have the virus and I just have the common flu?

Do we both have the common cold?

Do we both have the virus?

Do we isolate from each-other even though we are both sick?

How do you know?

The government has simply told us... go home

I had Jury duty set for 5 days from now but they canceled it

How long is it before bad guys realize the court system is the next thing to get taxed

If we can't try people in a court in front of a jury, what then?

How do we set up those digitized systems fast enough before societal fracturing?

Sigh, I have a head ache and I want to smoke weed so bad but I can't

The cough will just get worse if I do

I will go make some tea now

This is not my photo - just an example of mother nature being a weird dick hole


J got all paranoid on me because I was coughing yesterday. It's all fine. Seems to happen morning and evening so I'm guessing it's due to temperature shifting.

Maybe make yourself some soup too? Hope you're feeling better soon and neither of you have that particular plague :)

just buzzing around here for a bit more as I miss some of you ;D

I have been better, not gonna lie, strange times for me. Hope you and yours stay safe, don't take any chances.

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