Tommy Robinson's story, now allowed to discuss the total of 20 men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage, were found guilty of over 150 offenses against 15 girls

in #pedogate6 years ago (edited)

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According to the Sun in September 2018,

The far-right activist was released from prison last month after three leading judges quashed a finding made at Leeds Crown Court in May, and granted him conditional bail from a 13-month jail sentence.

Robinson appeared under his real name, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, to face a fresh hearing over the allegation.

He left HMP Onley in Rugby on August 1, but could face being sent back to jail, with a maximum sentence of two years in prison, if the judge finds him in contempt.

He was jailed in May after filming people involved in a criminal trial and broadcasting the footage on social media, and has already served the equivalent of a four-month sentence.

Robinson was sentenced to 10 months' imprisonment for contempt of court, which he admitted, and a further three months for breaching a previous suspended sentence.

In May last year he faced contempt proceedings over footage he filmed during the trial of four men who were later convicted of gang-raping a teenage girl.

A judge at Canterbury Crown Court gave him a three-month suspended sentence and told him his punishment was not about "freedom of speech or freedom of the press" but about "justice and ensuring that a trial can be carried out justly and fairly".

Robinson appealed against both contempt findings at a hearing last month heard by Lord Chief Justice Lord Burnett, Mr Justice Turner and Mrs Justice McGowan.

They found the judge at Leeds should not have commenced contempt proceedings that day.

Lord Burnett said "no particulars of the contempt were formulated or put to the appellant", and there was "a muddle over the nature of the contempt being considered".

He added: "Where a custodial term of considerable length is being imposed, it should not usually occur so quickly after the conduct which is complained of; a sentence of committal to immediate custody had been pronounced within five hours of the conduct taking place."

The judges dismissed Robinson's appeal in respect of the contempt finding at Canterbury Crown Court.

Fast forward to October of 2018

TOMMY Robinson's prosecution has been halted this morning and the case referred to the Attorney General as it's "too complex".

He was filmed by hundreds arriving outside the London court before the contempt hearing, and patted on the back by supporters as he strode through them.

The English Defence League founder returned to court today after being freed from prison in August, and had told the crowd of 1,500 gathered outside "I've already won".

After he strode through a chanting mass of people to climb onto a makeshift stage to speak to the crowd this morning, Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC referred the contempt of court case back to the Attorney General.

But the 35-year-old could be sent back to jail if he is again found in contempt for filming people in a criminal trial in Leeds and broadcasting the footage on social media.

The cases in Huddersfield can now be told after a judge lifted reporting restrictions imposed nearly 12 months ago.

It can now be revealed a total of 20 men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage, were found guilty of over 150 offenses against 15 girls across three separate trials.

Some of the cases connected to the gang were subject to live broadcasts made by Tommy Robinson, which resulted in him being jailed for contempt of court as strict restrictions were in place from the judge.

The offenses took place between 2004 and 2011 and included dozens of rapes, sexual assaults, trafficking, abduction and child prostitution.

Robinson told the crowds - some of whom were wearing Donald Trump masks - he had scored a victory regardless of whether he is sent back to jail.

He said, before the hearing: "Their attempts to silence and stop people having the knowledge of the Muslim rape gangs that are terrorizing our nation.

"The entire world is now watching."

He blamed the Government, police and social services for "sacrificing a generation of our daughters at the hands of the multiculturalism alter".

The media is "the enemy of the people", he yelled, eliciting the crowd to respond: "Shame on you."

Metropolitan Police and officers from the City of London manned barricades outside court for the rally.

England and Union flags, as well those for Ukip, were flying as dozens of protesters gathered.

Under the watchful gaze of officers, the largely male crowd chanted "oh Tommy Robinson", while some got in an early can of Stella Artois before the hearing.

A supporter in a Union flag suit said: "I have come here to support Tommy because there's so many injustices going on in the world today.

"I've learned so many things in the last two years, such as the killings of anyone that's not of the Islamic faith."

This is what Tommy Robinson posted on his Facebook page,

this gang sexually abused children as young as 11 years old.

gang, from top left to bottom right: Amere Singh Dhaliwal, Irfan Ahmed, Zahid Hassan, Mohammed Kammer, Raj Singh Barsran, Mohammed Rizwan Aslam, Abdul Rehman, Nahman Mohammed, Mansoor Akhtar, Mohammed Irfraz, Nasarat Hussain, Sajid Hussain, Faisal Nadeem, Mohammed Azeem, Wiqas Mahmud, Manzoor Hassan, Niaz Ahmed, Mohammed Imran Ibrar, Asif Bashir and Mohammed Akram

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"Reporting restrictions have been lifted on the Leeds case, all 20 from the trials were convicted.

Victim 1 - Pimped out at 11

The daughter of a drug addict was targeted when aged just 11.
She was scared of the gang, explaining: “There were so many.
“I couldn’t speak to my mum so it just carried on.”
Zahid Hassan, 29, gave her vodka and ecstasy, forced her into sex and pimped her out to other men.
She was put into care and was moved from care home to care home — but was always tracked down.
She later had a baby by one of her attackers.

Yet even then, the abuse continued.

"One of these sick child rapists is on the run in Pakistan because he was given bail.

"No bail for me though, they took me off the street and put me in prison inside five hours but 10 mass child rapists where 15 children gave witness statements spend a year walking the streets with your children because the establishment thought they posed no risk."

Victim 2 - Forced to take ecstasy
ONE of the gang’s victims was 13 when she was introduced to them by a friend.
On one occasion, Manzoor Hassan, 38, slapped her and forced a fistful of ecstasy tablets into her mouth.
He held his hand over her mouth until she swallowed them.
She was later found in the road “incapacitated and incoherent”.
She was taken to hospital for treatment, where she was collected by her parents.
The girl, now 26, said she was also repeatedly abused by other members of the gang.

The shocking cases in Huddersfield can only now be told after a judge dramatically lifted reporting restrictions imposed nearly 12 months ago.

Some of the cases connected to the gang were subject to live broadcasts made by Tommy Robinson, which resulted in him being jailed for contempt of court as strict restrictions were in place from the judge.

We can reveal a total of 20 men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage, were found guilty of over 150 offences against 15 girls across three separate trials.

Many in the gang were known by their nicknames, including Chiller, Dracula and Bully.

The offences took place between 2004 and 2011 and included dozens of rapes, sexual assaults, trafficking, abduction and child prostitution.

More trials are set to follow next year but the judge said it was time the public knew what had happened and who was responsible.

The latest abuse took place in Huddersfield, West Yorks., and follows similar scandals in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and Newcastle.

The judge at Leeds Crown Court said the "gravity" of the offending "far exceeded" anything he had ever seen before.

We can now reveal how:

The gang's victims were picked up from school gates in their uniform
Others were snatched from care homes
They were driven to remote areas and repeatedly abused by multiple men
Families of the girls raised the alarm after they went missing
Social workers failed to engage with them or take the claims seriously
Cops dismissed the girls as street wise or complicit in their own abuse

We can now name all of the 20 men convicted.

They were each jailed for between five and life, with a minimum of 18 years.

Harrowing evidence revealed how the victims were deliberately targeted by the gang in Huddersfield who abused at will.

One of the girls, who was just 12 at the time, was forcibly removed from her care home after her attackers told staff: "I want to f**k her."

Another attempted suicide whilst one had an abortion after falling pregnant to one of her vile predators.

All of the girls lived chaotic and dysfunctional lives.

THE FORMER leader of far right group the English Defence League was jailed for 13 months after he risked derailing the trials.

Tommy Robinson went on Facebook and streamed an hour-long rant in which he named the defendants and all the charges they face.

His broadcast was in flagrant breach of the contempt of court ruling issued by the trial judge - and seriously risked prejudicing the trials.

The footage of the defendants as they entered Leeds Crown Court in May was viewed 250,000 times.

Trial judge Geoffrey Marson QC said the order in place was to ensure the integrity of the case.

Some of them craved attention whilst others were far more naive and genuinely believed they were in loving relationships.

But what all of the girls had in common was their age, their social isolation and their acute vulnerability.

Tragically, each one was then repeatedly failed by the system.

Prosecutor Richard Wright QC told the jury on each of the three trials: "You might wonder why nobody was looking out for the welfare of these girls.

"Either in terms of their families or people in responsibility at school, in social services departments or in the police force?

"You will hear evidence that indeed the friends and families of many of these girls were deeply worried about them.

VICTIM SPEAKS OUT: 'I didn't want sex but it was just normal and already going on with everybody else'

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SAJID Hussain, 33, known as "Fish", was convicted by the jury of one count of rape and one count of oral rape against a victim when she was just 14 years old.

He went on the run from the trial held at Leeds Crown Court and was then sentenced in his absence.

His name can now be publicly named following a judge's ruling to lift reporting restrictions at Leeds Crown Court as West Yorkshire Police appeal for further information on his whereabouts.

The defendant was introduced to the victim at a house by other Asian men.

She recognised him in a shop after he had served her while she was wearing her school uniform.

In evidence heard during his trial, Hussain's victim said: "One minute we were chilling and then it would escalate and it would go to oral sex and intercourse.

"I didn't want to give him oral sex, it was normal, it was already going on with everybody else.

"I would drink until I blacked out and I was drunk when I first gave him oral sex.

"The vaginal intercourse was always in the car, I don't know if he used contraception, I didn't want sex but it was just normal and already going on with everybody else.

"I was 14 or 15 and I had sexual intercourse with him on countless occasions."

The defendant was 20 or 21 at the time, the court heard.

In his sentencing remarks, judge Geoffrey Marson said: "The defendant served her [in the shop where he worked] at a time when she was in school uniform.

"At the house she was given alcohol and there were other older Asian men and other schoolgirls.

"It is clear that Sajid Hussain had some knowledge of the grooming process and other abuse which was going on."

Hussain, who had never previously been in custody, was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment in his absence.

"They were concerned as to where they were and why they would disappear from home for long periods of time.

"There is here regrettably a sense that those in authority who handled the concerns did not do enough to try to engage with these girls and find out what was happening to them."

The first trial began in January and involved 15 victims who told how they were abused by 10 men.

The ringleader was convicted of 54 offences against 11 victims, including the rape of a child under 13.

In all, he was found guilty of 22 rapes, sexual assault, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, prostitution, trafficking, drug dealing and beating.

He showered them with attention, plied them with drink and drugs and moulded them for sex before pimping them out to other men.

Judge Geoffrey Marson QC sentenced the 10 men to a total of 123 years in prison - and revealed how they imposed a reign of terror.

The second trial saw eight members of the grooming gang sentenced to a total of 98 years for a range of similar offences.

One of the group, Nasarat Hussain, 30, raped one of the girls while she was wearing her school uniform when she was just 15 years old.

The abuse took place across Huddersfield "in cars, car parks, houses, a snooker centre, a takeaway, a park and other places".

The third trial saw four men convicted of rape, trafficking, ABH and sexual assault. They will be jailed on November 1.

The Sun Says

POLICE and social workers should be sacked over the latest child rape scandal.
The biggest Asian grooming gang yet known picked up vulnerable girls openly from school.

One was snatched from a care home by a man telling staff he wanted sex with her. She was 12.
But, as in previous cases, no one took victims seriously.

Police shamefully thought they were willing participants.
The excuse is that it was all long ago.

It couldn’t happen now.

Really? Because 2011 is hardly ancient history.
We will say this too.

These vicious paedophiles were jailed in spite of Tommy Robinson, whose idiotic grandstanding could have scuppered their trials.
And they are named now thanks to The Sun getting reporting restrictions lifted — via the only legitimate means:
Legal challenge.

Speaking outside court, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Mottershaw, from West Yorkshire Police, praised the "courage and tenacity" of the victims who came forward.

He said: "First and most importantly, I would like to pay tribute to each and every victim who came forward, firstly to report these heinous crimes, but to go through the gruelling court process which has taken nearly a year to conclude and to bravely give their accounts to us and the court.

"I cannot praise them enough for their courage and tenacity in helping us secure justice for them against these defendants

"I hope the outcomes of these trials will enable the victims to start the process of putting this trauma behind them and reassure any other potential victims that we will treat them with the utmost respect and sensitivity and take positive action against perpetrators."

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:South West News Service
Mohammed Akram, 31, nicknamed 'Kid', was convicted for rape, abduction, sexual assault, trafficking. He is yet to be sentenced

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Raj Singh Barsran, 34, was convicted of rape and sexual assault. He was jailed for 17 years

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Nahman Mohammed, 30, nicknamed Dracula, was jailed for 17 years for rape and trafficking

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Asif Bashir, 32, nicknamed Junior, was convicted of rape and sexual activity with a child. He is yet to be sentenced

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Niaz Ahmed, 53, nicknamed Shaw, is yet to be jailed but was convicted of sexual assault, inciting a child into sexual activity

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Abdul Rehman, 31, nicknamed Beastie, was jailed for 16 years for rape, supplying a controlled drug of class B, ABH and trafficking

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Mohammed Imran Ibrar, 32, nicknamed Bully, was convicted of trafficking and ABH but is yet to be sentenced

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Zahid Hassan, 29, nicknamed Little Manny, was jailed for 18 years for rape, attempted rape, trafficking, supplying a controlled drug of Class A, sexual activity with a child, abduction of a child and racially aggravated assault

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Mohammed Rizwan Aslam, 30, nicknamed Big Riz, was convicted for 15 years for rape

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Irfan Ahmed, 33, nicknamed Finny, was jailed for eight years for sexual activity with a child and sexual exploitation

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Manzoor Hassan, 38, nicknamed Big Manny, was jailed for five years for supplying class A drugs

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Sajid Hussain, 33, nicknamed Fish was jailed for 17 years for rape

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Mohammed Azeem, 32, nicknamed Mosabella, was convicted of rape and jailed for 18 years

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Mansoor Akhtar, 27, nicknamed Boy, was jailed for eight years for rape of a child under the age of 13 and trafficking

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Amere Singh Dhaliwal, 35, nicknamed Pretos, was jailed for life for rape, sexual assault, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, prostitution, trafficking, drug dealing and assault

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Nasarat Hussain, 30, nicknamed Nurse, was jailed for 17 years for rape and sexual assault

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Wiqas Mahmud, 37, nicknamed Vic, was jailed for 15 years for rape

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Faisal Nadeem, 31, nicknamed Chiller, was jailed for 12 years for rape and supplying a class A drug

Mohammed Irfraz, 30, nicknamed Faj, was jailed for six years for abduction of a child and trafficking

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Can anyone else believe these wicked perpetrators were protected while someone like Tommy Robinson, who tried to shine a light an this child sex abuse in an effort to protect more children was Jailed?

Something doesn't add up. . .people in high places protecting evil over our children!

Reported in a blog,

The shocking cases in Huddersfield can only now be told after a judge dramatically lifted reporting restrictions imposed nearly 12 months ago. Some of the cases connected to the gang were subject to live broadcasts made by Tommy Robinson, which resulted in him being jailed for contempt of court as strict restrictions were in place from the judge. We can reveal a total of 20 men, predominantly of Pakistani heritage, were found guilty of over 150 offences against 15 girls across three separate trials. Many in the gang were known by their nicknames, including Chiller, Dracula and Bully. The offences took place between 2004 and 2011 and included dozens of rapes, sexual assaults, trafficking, abduction and child prostitution. More trials are set to follow next year but the judge said it was time the public knew what had happened and who was responsible. The latest abuse took place in Huddersfield, West Yorks., and follows similar scandals in Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and Newcastle. The judge at Leeds Crown Court said the "gravity" of the offending "far exceeded" anything he had ever seen before. We can now reveal how: The gang's victims were picked up from school gates in their uniform Others were snatched from care homes They were driven to remote areas and repeatedly abused by multiple men Families of the girls raised the alarm after they went missing Social workers failed to engage with them or take the claims seriously Cops dismissed the girls as street wise or complicit in their own abuse We can now name all of the 20 men convicted. They were each jailed for between five and life, with a minimum of 18 years. Harrowing evidence revealed how the victims were deliberately targeted by the gang in Huddersfield who abused at will. One of the girls, who was just 12 at the time, was forcibly removed from her care home after her attackers told staff: "I want to f**k her." Another attempted suicide whilst one had an abortion after falling pregnant to one of her vile predators. All of the girls lived chaotic and dysfunctional lives.
Some of them craved attention whilst others were far more naive and genuinely believed they were in loving relationships. But what all of the girls had in common was their age, their social isolation and their acute vulnerability. Tragically, each one was then repeatedly failed by the system. Prosecutor Richard Wright QC told the jury on each of the three trials: "You might wonder why nobody was looking out for the welfare of these girls. "Either in terms of their families or people in responsibility at school, in social services departments or in the police force? "You will hear evidence that indeed the friends and families of many of these girls were deeply worried about them. "They were concerned as to where they were and why they would disappear from home for long periods of time. "There is here regrettably a sense that those in authority who handled the concerns did not do enough to try to engage with these girls and find out what was happening to them." The first trial began in January and involved 15 victims who told how they were abused by 10 men. The ringleader was convicted of 54 offences against 11 victims, including the rape of a child under 13. In all, he was found guilty of 22 rapes, sexual assault, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, prostitution, trafficking, drug dealing and beating. He showered them with attention, plied them with drink and drugs and moulded them for sex before pimping them out to other men. Judge Geoffrey Marson QC sentenced the 10 men to a total of 123 years in prison - and revealed how they imposed a reign of terror. The second trial saw eight members of the grooming gang sentenced to a total of 98 years for a range of similar offences. One of the group, Nasarat Hussain, 30, raped one of the girls while she was wearing her school uniform when she was just 15 years old. The abuse took place across Huddersfield "in cars, car parks, houses, a snooker centre, a takeaway, a park and other places". The third trial saw four men convicted of rape, trafficking, ABH and sexual assault. They will be jailed on November 1. Speaking outside court, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Mottershaw, from West Yorkshire Police, praised the "courage and tenacity" of the victims who came forward. He said: "First and most importantly, I would like to pay tribute to each and every victim who came forward, firstly to report these heinous crimes, but to go through the grueling court process which has taken nearly a year to conclude and to bravely give their accounts to us and the court. "I cannot praise them enough for their courage and tenacity in helping us secure justice for them against these defendants "I hope the outcomes of these trials will enable the victims to start the process of putting this trauma behind them and reassure any other potential victims that we will treat them with the utmost respect and sensitivity and take positive action against perpetrators."

Tommy Robinson supporters sing Owen Benjamin’s, “How they rule ‘ya”


Thank you for sharing this story. I hope it opens up peoples eyes!

I do too zoef!
Did a couple video reports today and praying more wake up and stand behind the army of Good!

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