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RE: Hear President Trump refer to a letter from JFKjr. dated After the plane crash and Larry King appears to fumble the date with 2 other tries. Princess Di, Prince Andrew and Trumps in the UK

in #news4 months ago

Interesting how #RichardStolley, had held several roles for Life Magazine which ran photos from the footage of Abe Zapruder.

Jobs Richard Stolley held
Stolley began his career with Life in 1953.
He subsequently held a number of roles at the magazine, including

  • reporter
  • bureau chief
  • senior editor
  • assistant managing editor.

Life magazine published photos from the Zapruder film, which captured the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963:

  • November 29, 1963: The magazine published about 30 black and white frames from the film.
  • December 6, 1963: The magazine published color frames in a special "John F. Kennedy Memorial Edition".
  • October 2, 1964: The magazine published a special article on the film and the Warren Commission report, along with photos.
  • November 25, 1966: The magazine published photos from the film.
  • November 24, 1967: The magazine published photos from the film.

Life magazine editor Richard Stolley purchased the film from Abraham Zapruder, who recorded the assassination on his home movie camera. Zapruder insisted that frame 313, which shows the fatal shot to the president's head, be excluded from publication.
The original Zapruder film is part of the Kennedy Collection at the National Archives at College Park.

He offered Zapruder $50,000 for the print rights — a sum increased a week later to $150,000 for all rights pertaining to the silent, 26-second, 486-frame colour footage. He promised that Life would not use frame number 313, which showed Kennedy’s head exploding as the bullet hit it. Zapruder agreed, and Stolley walked away with one of the great journalistic scoops of the 20th century.

It's important to note that Stolley was a twin.
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Stolley always attached particular importance to People’s cover picture as a means of boosting newsstand sales. “Young is better than old,” he decreed. “Pretty is better than ugly. Rich is better than poor. TV is better than music. Music is better than movies. Movies are better than sport. Anything is better than politics. And nothing is better than the celebrity dead.”

He learnt that formula after failing to put Elvis Presley on the cover following his death at the age of 42 in 1977. That was, by his own admission, one of his biggest mistakes. Three years later he put John Lennon on the cover after his murder in New York, and that became one of People’s bestselling issues.

As for the Zapruder film, Life eventually returned the rights to his family for $1, and in 1999 the US government paid them $16 million for the original film, which now resides in the National Archives. Frame number 313 was not seen by the American public until Geraldo Rivera broadcast it on his show in 1975, 12 years after Kennedy’s assassination.

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