How America Rescued Its Weapons Runners After Their Arrest in Haiti, Background of Blackwater, Erik Prince and Saving Private Contractors

in #haiti6 years ago (edited)

Article from Feb. 23, 2019

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According to Mint Press News,

PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI — Earlier this week, MintPress News reported that a number of suspected American mercenaries were arrested transporting a cache of assault rifles and other weapons in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince amid an uprising against government corruption.

As MintPress noted at the time, many Haitians believed that the men were part of a team of mercenaries hired by Haitian President Joven Moise. One of the men, Chris Osman, wrote on Instagram on Friday that they were operating “for people who are directly connected to the current President”

Osman was among five Americans, two Serbs, and one Haitian arrested by Haitian authorities. He is a former Navy SEAL and another one of the men, Christopher McKinley, was also a SEAL. Kent Kroeker, another one of those arrested, was a Marine Corps pilot, and Talon Burton is a former U.S. Army military policeman, State Department security guard, and Blackwater operative.

Interesting when you consider this Q drop from June 2018

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For those Not familiar, this is who Eric Prince is,

Erik Prince is an American businessman and former U.S. Navy SEAL officer best known for founding the government services and security company Blackwater USA, now known as Academi. He served as its CEO until 2009 and later as chairman, until Blackwater Worldwide was sold in 2010 to a group of investors. Prince currently heads the private equity firm Frontier Resource Group and is chairman of Hong Kong-listed Frontier Services Group Ltd. He is the brother of U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and the brother-in-law of former Alticor (Amway) president Dick DeVos.

Father was Edgar D. Prince and his wife, Elsa (Zwiep).

Father had started as a salesman making 40 cents an hour, who founded a die cast machine manufacturing firm, Prince Machine Corporation, in 1965, which became a supplier to the automobile manufacturing industry and eventually a billion-dollar company. As business "exploded" Prince began to invest some of the profit through the Prince Group into other types of car parts and shopping malls, creating a network of companies and real estate worth a billion dollars. In the early 1970s, Edgar Prince's company patented a sun visor that could light up and sold 5,000 to General Motors. In the '90s, the company produced 20,000 a day

Prince was part of a CIA task force created to kill terrorists. Allegedly, the House intelligence congressional committee leaked his name to the press. Prince has said that he is convinced that former CIA director Leon Panetta outed him as a CIA asset, after shutting down the covert CIA training operation in 2009.

It is claimed in "Secret Desert Force Set Up by Blackwater's Founder. Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, has a new project" that he,

After Blackwater faced mounting legal problems in the United States, Prince was hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and moved to Abu Dhabi in 2010. His task was to assemble an 800-member troop of foreign troops for the U.A.E., which was planned months before the Arab Spring. He helped the UAE found a new company named Reflex Responses, or R2, with 51 percent local ownership, carefully avoiding his name on corporate documents. He worked to oversee the effort and recruit troops, among others from Executive Outcomes, a former South African mercenary firm hired by several African governments during the 1990s to defeat violent rebellions in addition to protecting oil and diamond reserves.

After college, Prince was commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy via Officer Candidate School in 1992. He went on to become a Navy SEAL and deployed with SEAL Team 8 to Haiti, the Middle East, and the Balkans.

Prince ended his U.S. Navy service prematurely in 1995 when his father died. Erik assumed control of daily operations at Prince Machine Corporation for a year until 1996 when his mother sold the company for $1.35 billion in cash to Johnson Controls.

This article in the Intercept claims Prince has advised Trump from the shadows,

A former senior U.S. official who has advised the Trump transition told The Intercept that Prince has been advising the team on matters related to intelligence and defense, including weighing in on candidates for the Defense and State departments. The official asked not to be identified because of a transition policy prohibiting discussion of confidential deliberations.

On election night, Prince’s latest wife, Stacy DeLuke, posted pictures from inside Trump’s campaign headquarters as Donald Trump and Mike Pence watched the returns come in, including a close shot of Pence and Trump with their families. “We know some people who worked closely with [Trump] on his campaign,” DeLuke wrote. “Waiting for the numbers to come in last night. It was well worth the wait!!!!

There are other sources out there and none can access the photos which have were on a facebook page that was either removed or Made Private.

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Here's what I found,

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One thing is for sure, when you poke around, it's clear the opposing side has it in for Erik Prince, accusing him of All sorts of deeds. Interesting as many of the deeds are the same done by them from a Different Angle!

**Also Interesting that though he had many critics on the Democrat side, Obama Still awarded him a contract. What's that about if they believe he is compromised?

Blackwater came under increasing criticism after the Nisour Square massacre in September 2007, in which Blackwater employees opened fire in a crowded square in Baghdad, killing 17 Iraqi civilians and seriously wounding 20 more. Three guards were convicted in October 2014 of 14 manslaughter charges, and another of murder, in a U.S. court.

The criticism continued after president Barack Obama took office in 2009. Prince said he believes that much of this criticism stems from politics. "I put myself and my company at the CIA's disposal for some very risky missions," Prince told Vanity Fair for its January 2010 issue. "But when it became politically expedient to do so, someone threw me under the bus."

Nevertheless, in 2010 the Barack Obama administration awarded the company a $120 million United States Department of State security contract and about $100 million in new CIA work.

Prince, according to author Robert Young Pelton, reportedly thinks of Blackwater's relationship to the military as something similar to FedEx's relationship to the U.S. Post Office: "an efficient, privatized solution to sclerotic and wasteful government bureaucracy." He credits his father's competitive streak in the automotive business with the inspiration to design a lighter, faster army.

Prince resigned as CEO of Blackwater on March 2, 2009, and remained chairman of the board until he sold the company in late 2010 to a group of investors.

According to Silent Professionals and other sources,

In 2008, Blackwater announced that it would start to focus its services away from security contracting because of the risks involved. In February 2009, Blackwater changed its name to Xe Services LLC and restructured the company. One of the things it added is an ethics program. The next month, founder and CEO Erik Prince stepped down and in December of that same year, he stopped any involvement in day to day operations.

Xe was bought by a group of investors who built a new company, Academi, and then in 2014 merged with another firm to form Constellis Holdings. They still do business as Academi.

Today, the North Carolina training center operates as United States Training Center, or USTC, and carries out tactics and weapons training for military, government, and law enforcement. They also offer courses in tactical driving, hand to hand combat, and precision rifle marksmanship.

Academi also offers a lot of other services, like maritime training, canine training for explosive and drug detection.

After Leaving Blackwater

After the departure of Erik Prince from his former company, Prince stayed active in private military interests around the world.

He was hired by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and moved to Abu Dhabi in 2010. He founded a new company called Reflex Responses (or R2) that entailed a roughly 800-man unit of foreign fighters for the UAE, where Prince retained a majority 51% ownership.

On a separate front, he oversaw recruitment for private military companies, such as Executive Outcomes which is a former South African private military firm that gained fame when they were hired by several African governments during the 1990s to defeat violent rebellions in addition to protecting oil and diamond reserves.

Then in January 2011, Prince began training ~2,000 Somalis for anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden. This program was funded by several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates and was backed by the United States.

Erik Prince currently heads a private equity firm called Frontier Resource Group (FRG) and is chairman of Frontier Services Group Ltd (FSG Ltd), a Bermuda-incorporated logistics and transport company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Frontier Services Group is backed by China’s state-owned CITIC Group and Hong Kong-based investor Chun Shun Ko. FSG Ltd advises and supports Chinese investment in oil and gas exploration operations in Africa. Prince had planned to build a diesel refinery in South Sudan but the operation was suspended, even though $10 million (USD) had already been invested in the project.

Erik Prince’s Aviation Ventures
FSG Ltd purchased stakes in two Kenyan aviation companies, Kijipwa Aviation and Phoenix Aviation, to provide logistics services for the country’s oil and gas industry, but later that year in October 2014, the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority denied Kijipwa Aviation an aviation license renewal.

That year, Prince also purchased a 25% stake in Austrian aviation company, Airborne Technologies. He commissioned the company to modify Thrush 510G crop-dusters with surveillance equipment, machine guns, armor, and other weapons, including custom pylons that were capable of mounting either NATO or Russian ballistics. One of the modified crop-dusters was delivered to Salva Kiir Mayardit’s forces in South Sudan shortly before a contract with Frontier Services Group was cancelled. Frontier Services Group owns two of the modified Thrush 510Gs, but since executives learned the craft had been weaponized by Prince, the company has declined to sell or use the aircraft to avoid violating U.S. export controls.

Erik Prince appeared to resurface in the lime light when he wrote this Op-Ed piece for the New York Times,

Erik Prince: Contractors, Not Troops, Will Save Afghanistan

Back to the Port Au Prince "Weapons Running" article,

The remaining American, Dustin Porte, is a private security contractor and president of an electrical contracting company called Patriot Group Services, which has a $16,000 subcontract with the Department of Homeland Security.

Video from twitter feed called HaitiInfoProject,

Where the post states,

Video of 7 US citizens and a Haitian being held at main police station in downtown PAP, #Haiti. They were detained after a cache of automatic weapons, communications equipment and several license plates were found in their vehicles. Why they were stopped is unknown.

After the men were arrested, Haitian Minister of Justice Jean Roody Aly authorized the extradition of the Americans to face trial in the United States, according to a letter from Aly obtained by the Miami Herald. But upon their arrival in Miami, it became clear that they would not face charges in the U.S. Federal sources confirmed as much to the Herald.

“The fact that the U.S. took these people and did not charge them, it shows there was a conspiracy. They didn’t want them to go before Haitian justice,” Pierre Esperance, who runs the National Human Rights Defense Network in Haiti, told the Herald.

The Prime Minister, Jean Henry Céant, claims this,

According to a senator who spoke with him, the men planned to break into the central bank and then assassinate Céant.

Ahhh. . CNN

U.S. authorities initially intervened after Céant told CNN that the group were “mercenaries” and “terrorists,” securing the group’s release before their court appearances.

Saving Private Contractors

“We were being used as pawns in a public fight between [President Moise] and the current Prime Minister of Haiti,” Osman said on Instagram. “We were not released, we were in fact rescued.”

Apparently dissatisfied with his position after being “rescued” from the fallout of the international incident he participated in, Osman complained: “My days of doing any out of the U.S. is officially over because I’m plastered all over media around the world.”

Still, Osman thanked “the American government, the State Department, the U.S. Embassy in Haiti, The American Ambassador to Haiti and the hundreds of men and woman who stepped in to save us.”

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Protests had quieted after 10 days of intense conflict in Haiti, but the release of the mercenaries has renewed the anger of the opposition, multiple media outlets report.

A Haitian media personality on board the flight from Haiti to Miami that transported the mercenaries told the U.S. military veteran publication Task & Purpose that they were escorted off by government officials wearing “navy blue uniforms with what looked like the Homeland Security badge on their shoulders.”

However, it isn’t clear whether that was the case, as Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Patrol did not respond to Task & Purpose’s request for comment, while “the City of Miami Police Department, Miami-Dade Police Department, the FBI, TSA, and the U.S. Marshal’s Service” all denied involvement.

In a other news,

An article dated Feb. 19, 2019 concerning evidence many Patriots have been tracking you can Now come upon this headline,

UN Exposed as Haven for Child Rapists; More Scandals Coming

After decades of United Nations “peacekeeping” troops and officials raping women and children all over the world with complete impunity and even “diplomatic immunity,” a chorus of global outrage and media attention is reaching epic proportions. A handful of predators are now facing justice. But the tsunami of public fury comes as widely reported estimates suggest some 60,000 victims have been raped and sexually abused by UN officials over just the last decade — with almost nobody punished but the victims and whistleblowers.

Still, the wheels of justice are turning, slowly but surely. Just this week, the top “children's rights” chief at the disgraced UN “children” agency UNICEF admitted to raping a 12-year-old boy — after the same agency was caught running a child pornography studio in its basement in Belgium using African children it procured. That UN child rapist was sentenced to prison this week. But former UN officials have said that the revelations so far are just the “tip of the iceberg.”

The escalating pedophilia and sex abuse scandals engulfing the UN and its “peacekeeping” forces have become so massive that even the pro-UN media, including the notoriously globalist CNN and The Guardian, have been forced to cover it. Indeed, all over the world, the UN is making headlines for raping and exploiting children — not to mention sexual abuse and harassment of the UN's own employees. Various “aid” groups funded by taxpayers are in the crosshairs, too.

As the scandals grow, the UN formally announced — for the first time ever — that it would not claim “diplomatic immunity” to protect the estimated 3,300 pedophiles working for the global organization. So far, though, virtually none of the UN troops involved in the widespread rape of children have been held criminally accountable. In fact, those who tried to stop the pedophile rapists were viciously persecuted while the predators continued their horrific abuses.

Go Here for a Q proof and Further Information.

See a connecting article here with more Q drops pointing out the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and various people involved in child sex trafficking here,

Child Sex Trafficking through the Corruption of Hillary Clinton, Haiti, Clinton Foundation, ties to UN, Verified Pedophile Arrests, John Legend

Please let me know what you think about all of this in the comments. Carry On Fine Patriots!

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