The High Road - A Writing Piece & Personal Inspiration

in #writing7 years ago

Before you read further, I wanted to share with you why I wrote this. My inspiration for the words that follow was a flip through my old journal, sending me on a trip down memory lane. Pretending that my life has always been "butterflies & rainbows" is to live in an unrealistic, fantasy world - though it is how we persevere through our hardships and trials in life that counts.

In the distant past, my life wasn't great. I was forced to be close to bad attitudes regularly - but I chose to rise above it. Many times, these negative attitudes tried to take me down with their harsh words and harsh actions, but time after time, I stood tall. I am proud to say that I never stooped to their level, and chose to take the "High Road". I will admit, taking the High Road at times was difficult, but my integrity meant the world to me. Acting out in a similar manner to get retribution would not have lead me down a road I wanted to travel down. So, I swallowed my pride each time, and let it be.

Today my life is completely different than it was back then - I owe thanks to my supportive, loving family members that chose to stick by me, and of course, the amazing @timcliff has been one of the most positive people to influence my new positive and happy life.

The journey to stay on the High Road never ends though - there will always be another bad attitude that will try to bring me down to their level - I just don't let them. They cannot argue with someone who won't argue back.

The High Road doesn't just apply to negative attitudes, but also choices we make in life. I work hard to keep everything I do "classy" and represent a positive, confident version of myself, that I and others can be proud of.

Being on the High Road isn't about being "above" others in an arrogant context. It is to rise above bad attitudes, and stand with others that work hard to be a positive influence on the world around them.

The story below is being told by an all-knowing character that has reached perfection, and represents my personal goal to always take the High Road, and to work hard to be the best version of myself that I can be :)

The High Road Story image.jpg


Here I am – on a plane above all others. It is called the High Road.

Though others have tried to tear me down, though many, many others have tried to break me and bring me down to their level; on the High Road I remain.

When they rip at me - trying to take me down, I respond to them with a positive passion that shatters their negativity into dust. There is no room for negativity on the High Road; only positivity and confidence, class, and presence.

There are few of us on the High Road, it is true. Our strength does not come from numbers, but from unwavering confidence. I didn’t get on the High Road by being popular, but by being true.

Though we tower above all those below us, we welcome all who want to join us. It is an exclusive club built on a solid, unshakable foundation of morals and stature. There are many below us that, like a fox in sheep’s cloths, try to deceive others into thinking they belong on the High Road, but if you look at them closely, you will see right through their act like a piece of flimsy glass.

Our job on the High Road is not to shame those below us, but to teach them how to be kind, classy, and positive. We do not judge others - we understand others. We see no flaws, but instead see opportunities for growth. Our dream is that some day, others will join us on the High Road - but unfortunately many will not, because being on the High Road is not always easy.

You see, to be on the High Road, you have to live life with honesty and integrity. These are not the easiest choices, but always the best choices. Those who understand this, and practice this, are welcome here.

We hope that one day there will be more people on the High Road than on all others, but for now we will stand tall, unshaken, and unmoved by those that try to pry us down.

What a beautiful day it would be if someday the High Road was the only road. A day when all could be trusted, and all would play fair. There are not many here on the High Road with me, but they are my kind of people.

If you aren't one of us already, won't you join us?

Thanks for reading! :)

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The High Road -
You're just saying that only positive thinking can lead us to success in life. There is no place for those who stand in our way with their negative energy.

Wow.. Great inspiration @artist1989...😊
I really appreciate your writing.. This is my first comment and upvote on your post and would like to keep it up.. Because I like your unique work..
So, Followed you and Cheers..🍻

They cannot argue with someone who won't argue back.

Great point. If there is no fuel for the fire, there is no fire.

your journey has been amazing and how you have evolved is truly great thanks so much for sharing : )

thanks for sharing

your life is very fantastic...,

i like your title and good show off your inspiration.

Wonderful post. Keep posting.

what a wonderful experience you are having - thanks for sharing
i just vote for you ,thank you

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