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RE: The Diary Game (25 January, 2023) - Masih Lembur

in Steem SEA2 years ago

Greetings my friend @anroja,

It's great to see your daily activity shared through The Diary Game. You have shared a detailed account of your busy day at work, including your interactions with colleagues and visitors. It's clear that you take your job seriously and are dedicated to your work.

One statement that stood out to me was "Sambil mengawasi dan menemani dalam bekerja memperbaiki CT Scan yang rusak, sesekali saya juga ikut membantu rekan kerja lainnya dalam melayani pasien dan juga menerima tamu dari salah satu sales media kontras dari MRI." This shows that you not only take care of your own responsibilities, but also go above and beyond to assist your colleagues and help with patient care.

It is also great to see that you take time out of your busy schedule to appreciate and enjoy the local culture, like stopping for a cup of Aceh coffee with the technician.

I would encourage you to continue sharing your daily activities, as it provides a unique insight into the work of a radiographer and the daily challenges faced in the field. It would be great to see more posts like this, as it will help educate and inform others about the work of radiographers and the importance of their role in healthcare.

Also, It is nice to see you appreciate the support of sales media kontras. Your post shows that you have a positive attitude and a willingness to collaborate with others. Keep up the good work!

@artist1111 ( Hamad )

 2 years ago 

Terima kasih atas apresiasi dari Anda, saya sangat menghargainya.
Mendedikasikan diri dalam pekerjaan sudah menjadi komitmen saya, karena itu menunjukkan profesionalisme saya dalam bekerja.

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