The meaning of life lies within the magic. Life is short so embrace it while you can.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

By knowing what a tear is made of, does that define the meaning of our tears?

I believe we are in danger of allowing trust science to destroy our feeling and thus lessen the meaning.

Whether or not you are an atheist or believe in the soul eternal, there are only really three ways to live as a way of facing the reality of our inevitable death. The first is denial. "Oh my death is a long way off yet, dont be so morbid." We can get away with doing this for a while with buying things and holidays and so on. But eventually death hits us in the face when a loved one or a pet dies and when too become old. That´s if we avoid a car accident or get cancer of course
So No1; Denial.

The second is to face life head on with tough eyes. "Grow up and face facts..When we die we´re gone. We are here for such a short time so might as well get what I can or experience what I can."
Such people often put their faith in science and material things. When they see a sunrise they see a giant ball of hydrogen. Of course they think it is beautiful, but deep down they must also face the reality of it.
So No 2; Grow up and face reality.

The third way is to believe that there is some form of eternal soul with in us. That this 3 dimensional existence is only part of the life journey. When these people see a sunrise they see see a thing of beauty but they also see magic. It feels magical.
So No 3, life is eternal and magic is real.Whatever you believe, death is inevitable. No one escapes. Therefore there is only one question in life. How do we choose to live?

I will answer my choice in this way. Many years ago now, my family and I went to Blackpool and we decided to watch a magic show. One of tricks really blew me away. A girl came to the front of the stage and sat on a chair. This was right in front of where we were sat. Another girl came and quickly threw a blanket over her and the almost immediately took it away. In that spilt second the girl had vanished from the chair. To this day it is one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen. For many years it bothered me and I tried to figure out how it was done. I never did and actually deliberately gave up trying. Eventually I came to the conclusion that if I had figured it out then the amazing experience would be made considerably less.

The meaning of life lies within the magic. Without it like is meaningless, hard and rather tragic.

Thank you for visiting my blog an a warm welcome back.


Nice post!

I like that you contrast the beliefs of the hard science and religious. However, science seems to be pointing that everything in the universe is energy and energy doesn't die, but rather just changes form.

I think the Buddhists would agree and with some believing in rebirth, I think from a scientific perspective they may not be wrong.

Take water for example, it doesn't die, I don't think it can cease to exist, it merely changes from one form to another in a cycle. The human body is around 80% water and our mind seems pretty fluid also (unless we are set in our ways), so maybe there is hope for us all after all?

P.S. I also like art, but painting pictures with words is my style and the keyboard my brush.

Very well said.

Wow make a very good post

Thank you, appreciated.

yesss <3 the Magick is already there and it is only up to us to allow it to flow through us...

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