Man cries, 'They shot you in the head my boy. What a loss.' - What Hope Is There?

A Bloodbath for Christians; No Response from Egypt

This post is not made to condemn the murderers, who are vile and should be punished. Instead I prefer to get angry with those who are equally to blame.

Who are they?

  • MSM
  • The globalist governments
  • Christian priests - worldwide

and last of all, but equally to blame

  • The sheeple (us, the very ones who are feeling angry)

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I will start off with the Coptics, who are not on my list, as I know many will say, 'why are they not fighting back, why are they so apathetic, bleeding the blood of their young, without saying or doing anything to protect themselves?'

They are not doing so, because their own parents and grandparents did nothing - just as the Christians in Europe and the USA are doing nothing, allowing the moslems to take the first steps which ensure they will take over - and someday, do to us what is being done to the Coptic Christians in Egypt, with total impunity for the murderers.

You do know that in recent history, not far in the past, Egypt was made up of mainly Christians? They thought of the moslem arabs as being their 'brothers' and let them grow in numbers without taking steps to limit them while they were still a weak or vulnerable minority.

So, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are now paying for their apathy and stupidity with their blood and lives.


If people are told stories about valiant heroes, about decent men and women and the sacrifices they make for the future of their family, the stories inspire people and they try to emulate them.

On the other hand, if we are continually told about transgenders, gays and pedophiles, establishing them as the norm and as people to be admired, what can be expected of the resulting society?

All media, mainstream that is, belonging to the globalists, trusted names we had believed in, suddenly turned away from all they had purported to believe in (good and honest journalism, reporting only the facts) and began to use their reputation and financial clout to overwhelm us with lies and distorted values, while smashing the few true news publishers, claiming they are fake news and ensuring they have no advertising revenue.

By withholding the true facts from us, by altering the news to suit their own interests (and those of their owners, huge Corporations), they lulled the people, so that they eat and drink only what has been poisoned by chemical and metals that destroy our health and breakdown the cells in our brains, while also convincing hundreds of millions to abandon belief in themselves, their own cultures and traditions.

If there is to be an accounting someday by those who have betrayed their countries, these journalists must not be forgotten, they must be sentenced for causing countless deaths and sabotaging the growth and survival of all of Mankind (apart from the few Globalist leaders and their minions)

A Bloodbath for Christians, No Response from Egypt-St Samuel Monastery in Egypt.jpg

St. Samuel Monastery (pictured) in Minya, Egypt. (Image source: Roland Unger/Wikimedia Commons)

The Globalist Governments

Another case of misinformation. A nice title, 'Globalist' and nicely future-sounding, 'New World Order', when the unvarnished truth is, all they represent is a new kind of tyrannic Communism. Of course, if they had said so as openly as I am putting it, all those countries which have suffered under communism would have fought them off from the start.

What is this new kind of communism?

It is modelled after the feudal system, where you only had lords and masters and serfs.

(Before I continue, I would like to point out something I consider important): The wealthy of our time are, in the main, made out of two classes. The persons who worked hard, took risks and created a fortune and, those who know how to stab others in the back so as to get on well within the Corporate world. The creators are often tough, but they see no shame in working and often, once they have made a fortune, enjoy helping those in desperate need. I'm not saying all of them are like that, but enough of them for my claim to stand.

However, those who did not 'earn' by 'creating' but did so by destroying others, they are hard, men and women without conscience - and, here is the most amazing part - they actually consider themselves as being the Elite, not part of the pool of the common man, from where they came. Having sunk into a harsh and dark way of thinking, trying not to see or feel how unworthy they are and so as to elevate themselves, they see us as foolish, ignorant and not worthy of being more than serfs to cater to their lifestyle.

The world they plan for is a world run by Corporates, who get to keep their assets, with their top officers (the Elite) owning mansions and serfs. Serfs will not own anything, not even their own children and will not be allowed to breed without permission and it is planned that they, generation by generation, are to be dumbed down, until they are incapable of even imagining a better life for themselves.

These so-called 'Elite' had a big problem. They were not that stupid that they could not recognise they have reason to fear us. So they feared us and planned. Using chemicals and other poisons, such as metals that destroy our will and intelligence, while weakening our bodies so that we are not healthy enough to react to their machinations, they opened the borders of Europe, wishing to destroy the genuine Europeans and hand over the continent to the other races - mainly the brown and black.

They believe their own racist views which they accuse us of, believing that if they crush the White race, they will find it easier to lord it over the others.

An unfortunate side-effect of all this is that, because Jews are good at business, many of the globalists are Jews, giving rise to the fears among many that they (all Jews) are to be feared. I differentiate and still believe that many of the 'common' men and women of Jewish belief, are not eager to destroy us, but then, neither do they stand up for us, earning for themselves and their descendants, a lot of anger and hate by their silence. It is a sad fact that the Jewish young seem to be more susceptible to the indoctrination by their teachers and professors, with many of them (about 24%) converting to marxists beliefs. They are the ones who organise groups for accelerating the movement of 'migrants' from their enemies the islamsts, into our countries, as our replacement. To support what I just said, I'll quote an article header from New Observer ( ):

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) organization—targeted by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers—works full time to bring fake refugees to America and Europe, while at the same time helping to expel them from Israel and ship them to white countries.

Can we be saved?



My point of view may not be popular, but I believe that Mankind has been very lucky, just as we began, as a species, to topple off the cliff, suddenly a few men and women appeared who fought for us and they have now given us the chance to join them and also fight for ourselves and all the nations of the world. Among these, I count Trump; Orban; Putin; Salvini, Le Pen and other such political leaders - with more of them appearing almost by the month. The truth is, us who protest and try to expose the globalists for what they are, for our compatriots to see the truth, our successes are limited and on our own we could not have saved our people and cultures. Perhaps we can hope we helped open the eyes of men and women, so that they became the kind of leaders we need at this time.

My private wish; my dream, before I die? That I live long enough to see that Greece and England have found their own saviours, men or women of strength, courage and a strong sense of decency. If Spain, France and Italy could, then so can they.

The Christian Priests - Worldwide

I must start off with a descriptive qualifier.

When I speak of Christians, I do not only speak of those whose religious faith is Christian (of any or all Denominations). I include those who are starting to name themselves 'Cultural Christians', whether they are in fact Christians or Atheists. It is their way of distinguishing their preference for living under Christian beliefs or values, than under Islamic restrictions and compulsions.


As a child, I had a rather simplified and idealised opinion of priests. I thought they are as they present themselves. I thought of them as teachers and guides. I imagined they are all devoted to God - and, in most cases, Jesus. Stories about Don Camillo and communist Mayor Peppone were greatly loved by me and they reinforced the way I saw priests - human, but strengthened by their love of God.

Unfortunately I had to grow up. Priests I had respected turned out to have feet of clay. This was not a calamity - but when I learnt that many of them do not believe in the religion they preach, it knocked the solid ground away from me. Luckily my ethics demanded of me that I do not try to spread my growing disbelief. I worried that I might be wrong and if I convince one person to stop believing, I will be responsible for the destruction of his soul.

Three years ago, I was categorically an Atheist, depending on my Ethics to guide me. Then I watched a video called They recommended another vid called Thrive and so began my voyage of discovery. In this manner I avoided starting off at the crazy extremes. Once I was able to see what changes have occurred, I became desperate to do all I can to save as much of Mankind and our beautiful tapestries of cultures and traditions, as possible.

It took another year for me to realise (understand) just how important the Christian religion and culture is - and I became a Cultural Christian.

All the above leads me to the comment I am about to make regarding priests - from the lowliest to the pope.

I have been trying to understand why it is so many priests have abandoned their faith, while also turning towards Corporate Marxism. As far as we know, this has not happened to priests of other religions. Is this partly due to the changes in Western society? Any religion that prizes faith above 'informed decision' is going to provoke those who prize their intellect, to reaction against those questions which cannot be answered with anything else than the cliche, 'We cannot understand God, all we can do is have faith.'

This has been a time of science, where people have grown to believe that every question has an answer, if we examine it deeply enough. Yet, this time of science has led Mankind towards a time where only emotions and needs matter (like spoilt children having tantrums),not logic, and not ethics.

We've had to face changes that would have been unbelievable to our fathers and grandfathers. The Pope talks about Jesus and tells us he is just an ordinary man and that he is a liar. He tells us that he, as pope, sits at the right hand side of God and God listens to him, not to Jesus. He finds it not worth reacting decisively when he learns of Cardinals, Bishops and priests sexually abusing children. He only reacted when he saw that Catholics feel strongly about it and his position is not as secure as he thought it is.

Perhaps, his greatest betrayal of the Church and the people of the West, is his claim that Islam is equally valid and true as Catholicism is.

His demand that Europe flood itself with savages who only take, kill and rape and have nothing else to offer, with his threat of punishing those who do not obey, shows that he is a globalist and is part of the plan to take over the world and reduce it to Corporate Marxism.

It is unfortunate, but even Christian priests who are not of the Catholic faith, have been influenced by the communist pope and they have been handing over our churches to the moslems, as if those churches are their personal property to be used as they wish, or to be bestowed to our enemies without our approval mattering to them.

In other words - most priests have now become the enemies of their own congregations!

Us, the Sheeple

The Sheep which was euthanised (killed) after being raped - a future for us to dream of for ourselves?

This is truly an awkward subject to write of, for I still consider myself a sheeple. I have awakened, but I still find it difficult to understand/believe just how dire is our future; just how little we count as human beings to them.

I still cannot understand why it is I stand by and allow them to hurt, torture, maim, handicap, abuse and kill our children. They laugh at us as they tell us, to our face, that they do it for our good - and millions of parents believe them!

I vaccillate. I am thrown into extremes, where I only see a future for us if the Extreme Right-Wing erupt, fighting for us. Then I listen to them for just an hour and I am sickened by them and desperately look for other answers.

I see the hundreds of thousands of ways we are being harmed and attacked, so that we cannot stir ourselves to fight back - and I despair that we can survive.

Then...then I see something positive, just now and then, that a small step is taken in the correct direction and I cling to it, hoping this augurs well for us. The countries of East Europe, which I had ignored, as being of little importance, they suddenly provide us with the light at the end of the tunnel. The Germans are now split, with those who recognise the dangers growing in numbers and determination to stop the destruction of their country. Spain now has someone running for election, who describes himself as the Trump of Spain. Le en at last is growing stronger as that flppy macaroni loses the support of those he has sacrificed.

I am going to keep this short, for it serves no purpose to berate ourselves as if we have already lost; it is better we turn our attention outwards, in search of ways we CAN fight back. So, I will end off with a short article which shows that good things can and are happening in many parts of the world - and now... from Slovakia, comes this announcement:

The country does not recognise Islam as a religion and only have a few thousand Muslim residents. Islam must not be taught in schools and the 5,000 Muslims, mostly European ones, who reside in the country are not officially recognised. They account for only 0.1% of the population.

In 2007, politicians changed the country’s laws so that 20,000 signatures from members were required to be recognised by the state. In 2017 they more than doubled the number of necessary signatures.

Not being officially recognised poses major difficulties for the group. Among other things, they are not allowed to have official religious leaders, conduct Muslim marriages or receive financial contributions from the State, rights which 18 other recognised religions have.

According to some of the country’s politicians, Islam is a serious threat.

“Islamisation begins with kebab and in Bratislava it has already begun. So understand what it could be like in 5-10 years,” says MP Andrej Danko.

“Every normal European, Christian or atheist fears this satanic pedophile creation of the devil,” rumbles another critical MP.


I Hope You Are Inspired To Dream And Plan For A Future - with love, from

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)

12th November, 2018

  • posted on Steemit: 12th November, 2018

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