Do you know it all?

in #life6 years ago

 Sometimes we are so sure of ourselves, that we don’t think we need to learn anything more from anyone else.

Knowledge comes from three sources:

  1. Knowledge comes from what we personally experience of life. 
  2. And knowledge that we learn from other people’s experiences. 
  3. And doing research and experimenting with what you have learnt. 

Knowledge from studying:

  1. Basically knowledge domes from what other people have already experienced, learnt, recorded and invented. 
  2. Theory is based on other people’s conceived concepts, from what they have learnt so far. 

Life is full of hazards:

Sometimes we need help and advice to cope with what happens to us and around us. 

  • But many people ignore the experiences of others. 
  • Don’t want to acknowledge that someone may have a better option of how to do something. 
  • Reject it out right, without even consider trying it, to see how it could possibly work for them. 
  • They would rather struggle with the problem (long term) and blame someone else for the drama it has caused in their lives. 

Relying only on your own input:

If you rely only on your own intelligence, you limit yourself. Your life will be mediocre and dull. 

And if you rely only on your experience, you are missing out on all the wisdom out there. 

The power of mistakes:

There is no excuse for making the same mistakes ether. 

  • Pay attention to what occurred in your mistakes and what other people did in the same circumstances. 
  • You can benefit from other people’s experiences of how they handled and overcame things. 
  • Get to the top on the knowledge and conclusive facts gained from other people’s experiences. 
  • Never be too proud to take advice. You don’t have to do it completely as they say. You can adjust it to suit your own circumstances.

Be inspired:

  1. Watch other people. Listen carefully. Never be too big for your boots. Even to those who you think are doff! There is a reason why people do the things they do!  
  2. Think carefully about what was done or said. Have the attitude that somewhere in all that, there could possibly be a gem of knowledge that you could benefit from.  

The power of knowledge learnt:

Even invent new stuff from what you have learnt from others. 

  • Inventors don’t disregard what has been done before… completely: 

They take well known facts and inserted new theories into the mix, to come up with something new. They translate or transform it until it is perfected and suits the project in hand. 


You are always Inspiring me

I'm glad you get something out of what I post.
I wonder how many people actually do their sums to valuate their skills, talent and product...?

NO, we don't,
Doesn't matter how far we study, we always remain incomplete.
Because the lesson we learn from others experience can't be learned by ourselves, To do so, we need to live their life, and that is not possible.

Precisely, we never stop learning from our experiences and what we learn from others. To me that is so exciting about life. Each experience is like an adventure.

Our life is a combination of bad as well as good experiences and we learn from those, The long we live, the love will be the lesson and can't be ended

Yes, the longer we live, we should be learning new stuff. But now that I'm old, I have witnessed that not everyone has gained wisdom! We still do silly things!

I am 100 % agree with you, if we rely just on our judgement, we will always be put ourselves to limited knowledge.

Yip, when we think we know it all, we miss out on learning more stuff.

Usually times of when we think we know it all comes times of drastic realisation that we do not, and then a phase of relearning and becoming a more humble and loving person :) we are always learning :)

Aaah, people who think they know it all... don't always realize there is more to learn... even from those they consider stupid! They generally mow right over other people, giving them instructions left, right, and centre.
I found it's the little guys that struggled, that taught me the most, from a different perspective.

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