Beautiful filtering sun-rays!

in #travel5 years ago

As the day wore on, we witnessed some gorgeous phenomenal sightings that afternoon, on our fifth day through the Kruger National Park, South Africa.

See this elephant family:


They seemed such a tight family unit. The adults protecting their young ones as they herded them back into the bush, away from the road.  

Just a couple of thoughts:

I often thought about the loving caresses the elephants give their little ones. Us humans could learn a thing about caring and loving our children from elephants, don’t you think?!  

Putting their trunks gently over and around their children… we too, should caress our children like that. Just a tender touch now again for no reason at all, any time of the day, just to let them know they are so precious to us. 

That makes me think about fowls too. How the mother hen clucks and gathers her chicks under her wings. It’s like she is talking to them and giving them a feeling of protection and love.  

  • How often do we actually talk to our children and let them know we care and love them. These frequent special moments builds everlasting bonds. And because of it, your children grow up to trust talking to you about their problems, etc. 

After the elephants:

We came across this valley below the road: 

Looks like there had been lots of soil erosion there in the past. The scene doesn’t look much when you’re scrounging the countryside looking for wild animals?  

But if you zoom in, like I did, you’ll see right down there (at the bottom of the photo) near the water’s edge there are two stunning coloured ducks: 

Can you believe it? They are nesting right out in the open. Or are they just sunning themselves on the banks of the river? 

In the next valley:

We saw this incredible view also on our left: 

I couldn’t resist painting it in oils, because of the beautiful afternoon’s sunrays. The sun was just tipping the tops of the trees, thus leaving the blue shadow areas un-descriptive. And that created lovely atmospheric conditions. 

 I love painting atmospheric conditions and water scenes. It brings such peace to the soul. 

How I painted it:

As you know, I always prepare my canvases well beforehand with a light undercoat wash of raw sienna. 

  1. So when I actually start painting, I can straight away put in the basic shapes of my composition.  
  2. This first  stage has no detail, just placement of things and elements.  
  3. Remember you are building up a strong foundation of medium to dark colours to balance and set tones into place.  
  4. When that stage is dry, on another day, you start to filling a little more detail. Not fine detail at this stage either though. 
  5. When that is dry, on another day, fill in the light finer detail and highlights. Like the light shining on the sun-kissed tree tops and the sparkles on the rippling water. 

The blue impact!

Some people must wonder why there is so much blue in this painting? I was counting on the charm it will have when seen at different times of the day and night. 

People have often said they continue to enjoy my paintings for many years, after they have bought my paintings.  

  • And the reason why, is that yellow and blue colours change places according to how the light affects warm and cool colours under different conditions. 

Why is that?

The fact is: 

  • During the day’s (warm light)… blue has more impact. 
  • And during the nightlight’s (cool light)… the blue is subdued. 

If you don’t believe me,

Check out a blue and yellow picture of your own, and watch it at different times, and in different places within your home, in bright light and also dull lit position.  

And see what you think of this theory of mine! You will be surprised! 


You have such a wonderful photos all the time i so jealous

You surprised me. I didn't think my photographing so great. I just did my best under the circumstances at the time. You can't get out your car in the Wildlife National Parks, or you will be eaten by lions, etc. So I have to just be happy with what I can get from the car window! And that our daughter kindly stopped often to assess the bush and what may be in it.

The amazing nature make all the difference

Posted using Partiko Android

Sometimes we have to learn more about animals about how they treat and treat their children. And what is certain is that animals never throw their children away like some humans do. The photos you display are very beautiful and extraordinary. I like being there. What a great animal sanctuary. Have a nive day , friend.

It may be a hard cruel world out there for the wild animals, but still they care for their young, hey!

Wao very beautiful photography. Elephants are my favourite animal. I m so happy to see this beautiful elephant family. Kid elephant looks more cute. Family is very important for our life. Life is not complete without our family. And looks this wonderful painting. You are best artist ever. I m big fan of your painting. I m so enjoying your post. Thanks for sharing.@artguru.

Thank you. I enjoy painting just for you :)

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