Comedy Open Mic Round 5 #Millipede

in #comedyopenmic6 years ago


On one night the frog and millipede received an invitation at the house of a turtle.
After eating their mouths it is sour, they want to suction cigarettes, but cigarettes are not available at the party venue.

Turtlees not want go market To buy it reason he runs very slow,frog too not want to with the reason he can not walk can only jump.
They told millipede to go to the market because he had a lot of legs, would be able to walk quickly,

After millipede went out to go to buy cigarettes,
Turtles and frogs wait at home.
After 3 hours of waiting, millipede has not come home yet, the frog and turtle agreed to find millipede.

When they open the door, they are very surprised, it turns out millipede is in front of the door,
"Why long to go home, where is his cigarette,"? Frog asked millipede,
"Too late what ?, I have not gone to to buy cigarettes," replied the millipede,
"so What have you been doing for 3 hours?"asked the turtle
"Are you both blind? I was wearing shoes" replied the millipede.

I invited @murt92 and @muhammadiman to join comedyopenmic contest.
Thank you for my friend @rastaufik10 who has invited me to participate in this contest.


Hehe Nike should be getting in to the millipede market - that's where the real money is

For one millipede, Nike can earn tens of thousands of dollar,

Thanks for the entry. That's a funny joke. Did you make it up yourself?

Yes,And a little help from friends,
Thank already present in my blog

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