Poker Tip Man Armen-"Open-Ended Straight Flush Draw"

in #poker8 years ago (edited)

Open-Ended Straight Flush Draw: When a poker player completed 4 out of 5 cards to make straight and needs the 5th card from either end; and completed 4 out of 5 cards to make a flush. The player is also drawing to a straight flush.

    Flopping an open-ended straight flush draw is what poker dreams are made of. The number of outs you have are really high, 15 to be exact. With this many outs you are at about 64% to complete a straight, a flush or a straight flush.

    Let's say you are holding 9, 10 of hearts and the flop is Jh, Qh, 2d. You had called  2 beat of 2X preflop in late position and went to the flop with 2 other players in early position. The initial raiser bets out 60% of the pot and the other player folds. What do you do? In this scenario I would min-raise. I gain control of the hand, I'm 2 to 1 favorite to win and I put myself in good position on the turn. If the player goes all-in on my raise then I call. This is a rare scenario in poker; where you are losing at the moment, but the odds are in your favor. Even if you don't hit your draw on the turn, you have the option to bluff. Just hope you hit the money card on the turn or the river.

    In poker, knowing when you are a head with the hand or with the odds is very important while in late position. It puts you in the driver's seat. You are able to take control of the pot and the hand.

Play Hard, Play Smart and Good Luck

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