Steemit cryptoacademy season 4 week 7 | home work post for professor @yohan2on

Hello steemians how are you? I am here to submit my homework post to professor @yohan2on which I have carried as commanded

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Who are Super Representatives, SR partners and SR candidates? (The Governance of the TRON Ecosystem)

To understand the governance of tron ecosystem including super representatives, Super Representative partners and super representative candidates, first we need to understand the working concept behind the delegated proof of stake or DPoS in which all these things are used.

What is DPoS:- As we know that proof of work consensus in which complex mathematical equations are to be solved by the nodes or individual and first one to solve these are rewarded with the right to validate the transactions. But this was full of flaws as a lot of energy gets wasted in solving these complex mathematical equations.

To tackle this, proof of stake consensus was used but as per the algorithm of this consensus, it prefers the hoarding and the rich. How?? We will discuss it later in this task. But the advantage of this consensus is that it make the blockchain enable to validate a lot of transactions in a short period of time and thus increases scalability and efficiently also no energy is wasted.

After this to enhance the performance of POS and to tackle it's flaws, DPoS was founded. And soon enough because of its pros, many Blockchain adopted this consensus and at this time, many leading blockchain such as steem, tron, hive and many more.

Along with increase transaction validation speed, it also increases decentralisation and democracy within a blockchain.

In DPoS, users stake their tokens and are rewarded with voting power and then by using that voting power, they votes their favourite block producers. And from those delegates are chosen from. These delegates are validates the transaction. In different blockchains, these delegates are known with different names for example :- in steem blockchain these are called witnesses and in tron ecosystem these are called super representatives.

The number of delegates in any blockchain differs from that of in other blockchains between 21 to 101. In steem blockchain this number is 21 while in tron ecosystem this is 27.

As anyone from everywhere can be a delegate and anyone having staked tokens can vote for any block producers, thus it enhances democracy within the blockchain.

The Governance of the TRON Ecosystem

This is now clear that tron uses DPoS consensus to run and this makes this blockchain enable to validate more than 2000 transactions per second making it one of the most scalable blockchain.

In tron blockchain, there are two types of block producers. One is called super representative and other is called super representative partners.

Anyone can apply for these posts and then voters, who have staked their TRX are provided with equivalent tron power or TP by using which they vote for their favourite block producers. anyone having more tron power will have more influence over election and in tron governance . Counting is done every 6 hours this means in a day four time counting is done. And in the election, top 27 block producers which gets maximum votes are delegated with the role of super representatives. But in tron ecosystem super representative partners are also found. Block producers having rank 28 to 127 are delegated with the role of super representative partners.

There are also many block producers which can't get these posts and couldn't secure rank till 127. Thus these block producers having rank 128 onwards are called super representative candidates.

Super Representatives

In tron ecosystem, Super Representative are those who have a ranking upto 27 and are main block producers of tron ecosystem. Besides main block producers, they also have power to propose any proposal regarding transaction fees, block reward that is to be given etc.

In tron ecosystem, a block is produced every three seconds and for every block produced 16 TRX are given to super representative and this reward is divided among all super representatives equally.
This is called block reward. Apart from this vote reward is also given to super representatives.

Super representative partners:-

In election, which block producers get rank between 28 to 127 are called super representative partners. In other words we can say that block profu which failed to become super representatives but got much votes to secure rank upto 127 are called super representative partners.
Similar to super representatives, super representative partners also can propose any proposal regarding transaction fees and block Reward and on many other subjects. But the main difference between super representatives and super representative partners is the obtained reward.

For every block produced, super representatives get 16 TRX but super representative partners get nothing. But these are rewarded with vote reward similar to super representative partners..

Thus in tron governance, the roles of super representatives and super representative partners are very crucial.

super representative candidates:-

As the name suggests, these are the block producers which couldn't get enough votes to secure rank upto 127 are called super representative candidates. Unlike super representative and super representative partners, super representative candidates are not provided with any right to make any proposal.

In other words we can describe these as the failed super representative and super representative partners. But this doesn't means these can't become super representative or super representative partners because if any super representative candidates gets enough votes in 6 hours to secure a rank upto 127, it will beci super representative or super representative partner on the basis of rank secured.

Anyone can be a super representative candidate by just applying for super representative. When this is done, 9999 TRX are burnt and this makes sure that only interested people apply for the post and same people don't apply multiple times because this fees is levied on every application.


As discussed earlier, super representatives are eligible for vote reward as well as block reward. But super representative partners are eligible only for vote reward. Further the reward obtained by super representative and super representative partners is also distributed among its voters on the basis of rate of super representative's reward. And every voter got a bit of this reward based on the votes casted.

In this section we will determine vote reward and block reward explicitly.

Total reward = vote reward + block reward

Vote reward= (trx/block)×(block/election)×(election/day)
= 160×7200×4

(as in a day there are 4 election and duration of a election is 6 hours and a block is produced every 3 second this means that in 6 hours there will be (6×60×60)/3= 7200 block)

Vote reward = 46,08,8000 TRX per day

Now this vote is also divided among all representative on the basis of votes.

Now the share of one representative = 4608000×(votes/total casted votes)

And also this share of representatives is also divided between representative and voters on the basis of rate of SRs reward. Usually it is in the ratio of voters: representative::80:20. But in many cases it is also 100:0.

Now net vote reward of a representative = 4608000×(votes/total casted votes)×(100-SRs reward rate)/100

Block reward:- As discussed this reward is only obtained by super representatives not by super representative partners.

For every block produced, 16 TRX are distributed among Super Representatives.

Total Block reward= (TRX/block)×(block / election)×(election/day)
= 16×7200×4

Total block reward = 460800 TRX /day

But this reward is equally divided among 27 super representative thus,

Net block reward gained by a super representative= 460800/27
= 3413.3 TRX per day

Thus by using the above formula of vote reward and block reward, we can calculate total rewards of a super representative or a super representative partners also we can calculate the reward that should be distributed among voters and that will be received by super representative and super representative partners..

What’s the difference between DPOS and POS consensus mechanisms?

Before stating difference between POS and DPoS let's understand both of these explicitly and extensively.

POS consensus:- POS is a acronym for proof of stake. As we know in proof of stake we have to waste a lot of energy for solving complex mathematical equations and then who solves it first get the chance to validate the transactions. To tackle this energy waste, proof of stake was introduced. In Proof of stake, users stake their coins and the algorithm was designed such that it chooses randomly a person who has staked his tokens and provide it right to validate the transaction. But as we know that used can stake any amount of token thus to make users stake more and more, it also depends upon the value of staking or number of tokens staked. This was the problem in this. Because it led to hoarding of coins and also a rich tradition in which only rich people will get a chance to validate the transactions

Also another problem associated with it was that uses who have staked it's assets itself can validate the transaction and can't deligate his right to validate the transaction to another. This was also a problem in this.

But the benefit of this was that by usi this consensus we can make any blockchain scalable as it can validate much more translations in a second as compared to that of while using proof of work.

DPoS consensus the main problem associated with POS was the unavailability of delegation feature. To tackle this and to increase scalability further more, DPoS was introduced.

In this users gets voting power on the basis of tokens staked. And users can use their vote to cipls their favourite block producers and this makes block producers to govern the blockchain also in return a part of validation reward is given to the voter.

Also it increased the scalability further more.

Difference between POS and DPoS:-

Proof of stakedelegated proof of stake
In proof of state, validation process is slower than DPoSvalidation process is very fast
Users who have staked tokens can validate the transactionsusers are given voting power for staking tokens
Users can't delegate his right of validationuser can delegate this right
This depends upon the number of tokens staked and this leads to centralisationthis lead to decentralisation and democracy in blockchain
This lead to hoarding of cointhis doens't lead to hoarding of coin

Write a Step by Step tutorial showcasing how to stake/freeze TRX and vote for SRs

In the theoretical part of this task we have learnt what is DPoS and what is the main motive and Reason why DPoS was developed and how it tackles the problems of POS.

To vote in tron governance, we must have tron power which is gained by freezing TRX. So First we must some amount of TRX and in return we will get equivalent tron power to vote.

  • Go to tron link wallet and under the discover section, on the main homepage you can see tronscan written beneath a icon. Click on that.
  • Now it will logged in towith your tron account with which you have logged into tron wallet. It may ask you to log in manually. If it is asked go for that.
    To make sure, you have logged in, go to top right corner, click on three lines and there you can see your a option exit Wallet. This means you are logged into tronscan


  • Now click on the private key In the same section and it will lead you to a page where all information regarding your account will be provided to you.
    Such as remaining Bandwidth, energy, and tron power.

  • As you can see currently I have 0 tron power. To acquire tron power, click on get votes because without tron power you can't cast vote so by acquiring tron power you are eventually acquiring votes.

  • Now enter the amount you want to stake, and also choose option what do you want to get against this stake. you wish to get tron power and bandwidthor tron power and energy. Choose this option by yourself and then click on stake after ** confirming the terms and conditions**
  • Now to make transaction, choose mode. It may be safe mode or fast mode. Here I am going for fast mode as it gets completed very fast.
  • Now just confirming your transaction by clicking on it and by entering password in the next section.
  • After confirmation your stake will be completed. And you will get equivalent tron power which can be seen on the homepage where all details are given to you.
  • Now to cast your vote, click on votes section on the homepage itself.
  • Now you will see a list containing all super representatives. You can choose by yourself. Now to cast vote, click on voting
  • Now you can cast your vote to any one. And you can also choose how much vote you want to cast to whom.
  • Now click on ok to complete this action. This requires energy. If you do not have enough energy, appropriate amount of TRX will be burnt to make this happen.
  • Now confirm this transaction too by clicking on confirm and by entering password.
  • Your votes will be casted and will be in effect after 6 hours.

So this is how one can acquire tron power and can cast your vote and can participate in tron governance..


So in this task we not only learnt about what is tron governance and what are super representative and super representative partners and super representative candidates but also we learnt what is POS and DPoS and what are the main difference between these two. Why and how it makes the validation process fast and how it saves energy and consumes less energy than proof of work.

In the practical section of this task, we learnt how can we stake and freeze our TRX to get equivalent amount of Tron power and how we can use this to cast our vote to participate in this perfectly decentralised and democratic governance of tron ecosystem..

And thank your professor @yohan2on for such a task that made me understand the tron governance.

Thank you


Hello @arjunparihar,
Thank you for participating in the 7th Week Crypto Course in its 4th season and for your efforts to complete the suggested tasks, you deserve a Total|8/10 rating, according to the following scale:

Compliance with topic1.5/1.5
Consistency of method1.75/2
Quality of analysis1.75/2
Clarity of structure & language1.5/1.5

My review :
A good article in which you were able to answer most of the questions ably, and you have some notes that I made.

  • Excellent explanation of Super Representatives in managing the TRON ecosystem and how to calculate remuneration was accompanied by the same level of explanation for SR partners and SR candidates.
  • A satisfactory explanation of the differences between the functioning of the two mechanisms could have been further explained by means of an illustration.

  • As for the last question, you have succeeded in explaining and following the stages of freezing and voting for SR.

Thanks again for your effort, and we look forward to reading your next work.

Thank you professor

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