Prioritizing the public interest is a characteristic of good and right leaders

in GEMS4 years ago

Good morning everyone, A few days ago my friends and I visited the construction of a reservoir which according to the news as one of the largest reservoirs here. This reservoir is built on an area of ​​4 hectares of land. The 4-hectare reservoir is estimated to be able to irrigate the rice fields and gardens of the farmers who live in the vicinity. And with this large reservoir, farmers no longer find it difficult during a drought


The construction of this reservoir has not been fully completed. Even for several weeks the construction of the reservoir had to be stopped temporarily related to the corona virus. Together with my beloved daughter, I was in the area of ​​this reservoir development, while also seeing firsthand every detail up close. Moreover, local and central government plans to build several places here for family tourism. Of course, this is good news for everyone. especially for people who live around the construction of this reservoir



The decision of the central and regional governments to build the reservoir is very appropriate, bearing in mind that Aceh is one of the most successful regions in agriculture. For this reason, the existence of a water reservoir is expected to overcome the difficulties of farmers, especially during the dry season



Local governments in collaboration with the central government prioritize the construction of reservoirs or reservoirs of water specifically in areas that are considered most in need of water. Especially those close to oil palm plantations, coffee, and other young plants. Moreover, around the construction of this reservoir is known as a producer of palm oil, coffee, rambutan, durian and so on

Dual function

In addition to irrigation, in this 4 hectare area, several recreational or family tourism sites will be built as a form of appreciation and concern from the central and regional governments in increasing self-sufficiency.



The construction of this reservoir is expected to be completed in early August 2020, and will be inaugurated on August 17, 2020 to coincide with the anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. At present the completion phase is focused on building roads that surround this area. As for the construction of some housing and offices will be completed in the coming days



A good and successful leader is a leader who is able to prosper his people. Likewise with government leaders in a country. May every of us be able to become a good and right leader. At least for our family. Thank you


Original photo and writing by @arispranata5




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