My Running Log 2018-07-08 < 30K Pace Running After Heavy Rainy Days > ランニング記録2018-07-08 <大雨が上がって30K>steemCreated with Sketch.

in #running6 years ago




In Japan, it had been raining very heavily for the past few days. So I had no chance to do running workout. As this morning it has stopped raining, I went out for workout. I decided to run 30km at the pace ~5’10”/km.

In the early half of the workout, it was cloudy and not hot, so it was not so hard to run. But in the latter half, the clouds opened up and became sunny and hot. It also became so hard to run. After running 25km, I became deadly tired. I dropped in a convenience store to buy a drink. I bought a PET bottle of barley tea, unlike my usual sports drink.

The barley tea was very effective. It brought me back to life. Because of it, I managed to finish 30K workout.

Today's running profile is as follows.

Distance(距離) : 30.0km
Time(タイム) : 2:32'22"73
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 5'04" /km
Speed(スピード) : 11.8 km/h
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 1,626 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 26,768
Shoes(シューズ) : WAVE RIDER 20 (total distance : 298.7km)
Temperature(気温): 26.7~29.7℃
Humidity(湿度): 64~77%
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 5’11” /km
2km 4’56” /km
3km 5’08” /km
4km 5’05” /km
5km 4’51” /km
6km 5’01” /km
7km 5’06” /km
8km 5’04” /km
9km 5’05” /km
10km 5’02” /km
11km 5’07” /km
12km 5’04” /km
13km 5’00” /km
14km 5’12” /km
15km 4’57” /km
16km 5’07” /km
17km 4’50” /km
18km 4’55” /km
19km 5’09” /km
20km 5’01” /km
21km 5’02” /km
22km 5’06” /km
23km 5’08” /km
24km 5’07” /km
25km 5’11” /km
26km 5’14” /km
27km 5’10” /km
28km 4’55” /km
29km 4’58” /km
30km 5’15” /km

Thanks for your reading. Let's enjoy running & steemit together !


Full Marathon : 3:20'09" ( The 38th Sasayama ABC Marathon, 4th March 2018 )
Half Marathon : 1:28'09" ( The 2nd HAT Kobe Dream Run, 7th January 2018 )


*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject

OMG! Running in Japan....I'm jealous! I wish the same.

Thanks for your comment!

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