How To Succeed part #4b - Use Logic To Change Your Life.

in #success6 years ago

Good day fellow Steemians, its time to continue the book, published in 1967 by Brian Adams, "How To Succeed" "Dynamic Mind Principles That Transform Your Life." Now, its about how to use logic to change your life. So, let's start now.


**USE LOGIC TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE. To perfect your life it is necessary to 'question', to apply logic. Question your own motives. Ask yourself: Why am I here? Where am I going? What needs to be changed to accomplish the life I desire? Your answers require close scrutiny. From then, you are able to create a clear mental picture of life as it has been for you, what it is now and what it could be in the future. Armed with this information, you are ready to change those elements that have impeded your progress. With this mental blockage cleared away, you are totally free to experience a constructive, creative and happy life; the life God wants you to have. Sit quietly and examined the three questions on: 'What does life means to me? Before writing any answer, give yourself time to 'think' about your life and what it means to you.

**ADVERTISING MAN THREW OFF HIS NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT. When I first met Bob Heayes, an advertising art director in Toronto, I couldn't believe my eyes. His face was drawn and ash grey in color. He stooped, his every moment seemed to be an effort. I guessed his age to be around fifty five. He was thirty eight. The longer we talked the more evident it became that Bob's negative thought pattern was responsible for his physical appearance and mental aphaty. 'I'm bored with life,' he told me. 'I hate my job. It's pressure, pressure, pressure, crazy people constantly pushing me to complete this project or that project. I'd like to chuck it all and head for a quiet island and retire.''Retire at thirty eight? Your best years are ahead,' I told him. 'Why don't you find another job, one that would offer challenges, more interest?' I inquired. ' My best year are gone. I haven't the energy to start again,' he said dejectedly. I questioned him about his interests and learned that he was an avid art collector. 'I love art, not the sort of thing I'm doing for a living, but real art, paintings by the masters.' Catching a spark of interest, I pressed the point, suggesting that he give serious thought to opening his own gallery. The idea intrigued him. He was silent for several minutes, then suddenly he jumped up, pumped my hand and said excitedly: 'It makes sense! I'm going to do it! I'm going to open my own art gallery and I'm going to make a success of it.' About a year later, I ran into Bob Heayes in the lobby of Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. He was on an art buying trip. When he stopped me I didn't recognize him. Here was a youthful looking man with a sparkling personality. 'can't tell you how happy I've been since I opened my own Art Gallery,' he beamed. 'I'm a new man, thanks to a bright idea and a change of attitude.' Bob Heayes accepted the challenge of a new way of life. He changed negative thoughts and ideas and supplanted them with constructive attitudes of optomism, courage and self-acceptance. He applied logic. Today Bob Heayes is enjoying the rewards - a successful business and a happy existence.

**THREE IDEAS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Negative ideas, thoughts and beliefs require affirmative change. A correct thought pattern manifests successful living conditions. It's as simple as that. This same principle, as used by Bob Heayes, can change the present negative conditions in your own life if you will but cast aside the shackles of negative thinking and apply logic: the Science of Reasoning. The application of commonsense thought will work wonders in your life. Apply it and see. Copy the trio of logical ideas onto a 3 inch by 5 inch card and carry the card with you. These How to Succeed ideas will help you to change your life from failure to success.

LOGICAL IDEA 1: I will always have an opened mind to new ideas.
LOGICAL IDEA 2: I am willing to change my present negative ideas, thoughts and beliefs.
LOGICAL IDEA 3: I will always adhere to affirmative thinking principle: ideas, thoughts and beliefs of an affirmative nature.

**YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AWAITS YOUR DIRECTION. Be prepared to face change with confidence. Don't be molded by the negative forces that may presently surround you. Throw off the old and meet the new with expectation and enthusiasm. Tell your subconscious mind, 'I want to change and I will change my negative existence. I want to experience all that is good.' Repeat this affirmation several times each day and your subconscious mind will take it as a direct order. The old things are passed away. - 11 Cor. 5:17. Move along with the flowing, ever-changing, ebb of life. Your present life can change and be any way you want it; but the change has to be made by you. What you seek in this world begins with what you have, and what you have will multiply when you change your negative consciousness pattern and take hold of new beliefs, ideas and feelings about yourself, things and other people. It is natural right to partake of the 'fruits of life'. These blessings are yours for the asking: joy, happiness, health, peace of mind and financial security. You can have them by changing your negative consciousness pattern and keeping it affirmative.


  1. Change is the foundation of all progress. You progress as you change THOUGHTS-IDEAS-ATTITUDES. When you open your mind to new ideas you automatically begin to grow emotionally and spiritually. Change may sometimes be painful, yet ever needful.
  2. When you wish to change negative conditions, change negative attitudes. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall be also reap.Sow thoughts of love, peace, health, happiness, prosperity and you will reap corresponding results. This is the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT. Think good and good follows. Do good and good is returned.
  3. Apply logic to your life. Ask yourself the three W's, WHY AM I HERE? WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO ACCOMPLISH THE LIFE I DESIRE? Dig deep for the answers, scrutinize them, write them down.
  4. You can't change your life until you make up your mind that you want something better. Know what you want. Be certain about it, then go for it.


That's all for now fellow Steemians all over the world, I hope you learned a lot in this series. I hope it will help you to change the present status of your life from this ideas in life. Thanks to Brian Adams for writing this book.





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