Time to laugh at all the absurdity.

in #msm2 years ago


So, as I frequently do, at the end of another day, thoughts congeal into a need to express something or other. So, here we go.

So, I was watching Greg Gutfeld's comedy show, kind of an anecdote to all the other late night shows, in that it spoofs political correctness, and delves into some stuff that one won't find elsewhere. There are still a multiple of things about it that I strongly am repelled by, like, the belief that only Repuglicans watch it, the Demoncrats are all evil, and those damned Pillow Guy commercials?! WTF

Well, truth be told, I did purchase a couple of those pillows about a year ago, because my pillows sucked, and these are superior to any pillows I have had before. That said, here is a guy with obvious good intentions, a former drug addict who found the cure, found god, went on to create a successful business, became a huge Trump supporter, almost lost his business because of that, but his advertisements, which it appears only Fox will air, are really tiresome. That's why, I never watch anything in real time. I prerecord so I can fast forward through the ridiculous commercials. But, I still wish Mike all best. Why not?

So, we live in a world of controlled diversity, whether it be Gutfeld, or all the other late night so-called comedy shows with a very obvious political agenda. I guess I lean closer to the Gutfeld program because it seems the only MSM medium that can still laugh at ourselves, and our ludicrousness and mind-controlled pomposity. But I am not a Republican, nor am I a Democrat. I am a human being. I really am dismayed that so many people identify with either politically entrenched DC party, because it's just a duopoly, owned and controlled by the same Money Masters. Why does nothing really ever change? Duh.

So, it really is important to take a few moments each day to laugh at ourselves, even if we still don't recognize the pawns to this corrupt system we have become. And, even if we are not pawns, and we know that we reside inside a Matrix of pure fiction, we still have to find a few moments each day to laugh at all the absurdity.

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