in RECREATIVE STEEM6 months ago

Date :
25 December 2023

Today I woke up at 6:30 in the morning after waking up I went to the washroom from there I brushed my teeth and then I came to the room after finishing breakfast.

So after breakfast I leave for my work and go to work go to work there I finish my work then come home after home I will give my police clearance today because I will be moving abroad soon and that is to Saudi Arabia and that's why I need police clearance Had to apply online to do it almost today after 7 days I got a message saying we have delivered it so need to bring it.


Anyway, at 10:30 I eat and drink and after showering I am clean, I have my shirt and pants at work and I call them about my work about the airport and I will go to the city today. Because police clearance is mainly given in the city, that is the police office.

And it basically has to wait for seven days and it has to be applied online since we had an emergency that's why I applied for this police clearance through Kontakt where it cost about 2000 taka in Bangladeshi taka and online free 500 taka to get it. Generally those who do normal take 10 to 15 days and those who do urgent arrive within five days as we have done urgent so we are very fast in that case.


This is basically done in Bangladesh so that an investigation police to investigate if there is any case in our name, he checks everything and then gives police clearance, if there is any case in our name then this police clearance certificate is not given, whatever. Since I didn't have any case against me and I wasn't involved in any unethical activities, I basically didn't have a problem with it, I got it very quickly.

So to fetch it me and my cousin both left home at 2:30 and took a bus and went there and there we were asked to sit first and asked to take a token so me and my friend sat with you. and after some time we are told that we have to submit the paper which we have given online then we two and few others all submit it so we submit it and we sit till three thirty minutes.


So then at 4 o'clock we were called to get it so we went there and there were some women working there, I didn't like the nature of them all because they threatened us in various ways without explaining what we didn't understand. Which is really bad for me but thanks to them for giving it to us in such a short time because they work like president because they send away many customers throughout the day.

So we get the police clearance and after that we leave for the foreign country and come home in a CNG. It is about 10 to 15 km from our village and it does not take much time to go there. I managed to get police clearance which will be great for me because soon I will be moving to Saudi Arabia and I hope I will be there to bring you new blogs so this was today's game if you like it then support and thank you.

Cc :


 6 months ago 

hola! que bueno que pronto te irás a Arabia Saudita, seguramente se te abriran nuevas puertas laborales que serán de bendición para ti y tu familia.
Ya tienes tu certificado de autorización policial aprobado lo cual es muy bueno para trabajar en cualquier pais.

Te deseo muchos exitos en el proceso.

Recuerda no etiquetar ninguna cuenta curadora!

feliz inicio de semana

 6 months ago 

Ok I don't tag anyone

 6 months ago 

Hola, @arafatyeasin

Grandioso que ya realizaras el proceso y obtuvieran ese requisito tan necesario para ti viaje.

Te recomiendo no etiquetar ninguna cuenta curadora.

Te invito unirte al club5050 realizando un nuevo encendido de Steem.

Muchas gracias por compartir en la comunidad tus publicaciones.

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