in RECREATIVE STEEM7 months ago

Date :
23 December 2023.
Today I woke up at 10:30 am earlier but I used to wake up early in the morning but today I woke up a little late because I was very sick today especially yesterday I took a tablet around eight o'clock which is because of my body sickness I had pain in my neck and also I It was the cold cough that caused me to take some extra medicine last night.


So that's basically why I got up a little late today and I had a lot of sleep in my eyes and it's mainly because I'm on medication anyway after waking up I have a little snack after washing my hands so today I have bread and tea and also I'm Murali Khai which is available in our Bangladesh.


So after that I rest for a while in my room and go to the farm we have and there I work for a long time with the brothers I have so today I am sick because of that I come home from there for 30 minutes .


So today I am actually sick so I didn't do much work today and came home and rested.


So after that I eat rice at noon and after eating rice I go to our little kids and I see them playing different sports and it makes me very happy and the little kids are spending their lives beautifully in sports so it's really everyone's life.

So after that me and my friends went out for a little walk and wandered there for a long time In the afternoon some masons actually came on top of our roof and they actually put a door there it was a beautiful moment and I tried to capture the atmosphere from there through my mobile camera and that's how my afternoon went.


So today's day has passed like this. If you like it, please support. Thank you all

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