Wikileaks Told Us that US Ambassadors are Much Worse!

in #news5 years ago

Screenshot from NY Times newsletter

The British ambassador to the USA resigned after his memos criticizing Trump were leaked, that could be normal especially after he was not welcomed in a meeting with the US secretary of treasury the Israeli Mnuchen with visiting British Trade Minister.

But didn't we get to read how bad the US ambassadors around the world describe the leaders and top politicians in their host countries, and if that is not enough, how they conspire against their host countries?

Aren't the US 'diplomats' and politicians among the worse overt violators of the diplomacy code? How come there's no outrage and measures taken against them like what happened to this career diplomat including by his own superiors back home?

Don't consider this as defending this ambassador, I never had respect to any person serving the regime of Elizabeth the Second, or to any of those serving the deep state in the US, unless they resign, repent, and disclose what was happening like former British ambassador to Bahrain Peter Ford, not to be confused with the Emir of Jihad the former US ambassador to Syria Robert S. Ford, for instance.

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