Syria Field Updates - Battles and Weapons Found

in #informationwar5 years ago

SAA Artillery Fires at Terrorists
SAA artillery fires back at terrorists - Archive photo

Terrorists loyal to the Turkish criminal Caliph wannabe Erdogan continue to breach the 'Idlib Agreement' signed between Russia, Turkey, and Iran by attacking Syrian Arab Army posts and the villages the SAA protects.

Most of the movements are in northern Hama countryside bordering the Idlib southern countryside.

In the south of Syria, the Syrian security forces continue to comb areas previously held by US-sponsored 'Moderate Rebels', aka Al-Qaeda or FSA, to eliminate any threats to Syrian civilians returning to their homes and towns, where many have been killed and harmed by land-mines and unexploded IEDs planted by the terrorists.

Large cache of weapons, munition, advanced satellite communication devices were discovered.

The breaches and SAA's retaliations in Hama and Idlib countrysides and the weapons discovered are detailed in this report: SAA Target Terrorists in Hama and Idlib Countrysides and Discovers Staches of Israeli Weapons in Quneitra Countryside.

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