Is Syria Still a Threat to 'Israel'?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

As a volunteer activist and due to the lack of organized state-sponsored think tanks in Syria, we took on our shoulders to defend our country over social media platforms and over the net. It's a tough fight against moguls of media, with our scarce very limited personal capabilities, and especially when we are always censored and the Pentagon warmongers are promoted.

Our battle against the propaganda waged against us is very important, not as that of our troops on the ground, but it's essential in helping the public opinion worldwide understand what their politicians are doing, and to keep records of the reality of events for history.

From that perspective we try to confront the Pentagon's warmongering electronic bots and human bots at all levels and everywhere we find them.

One of the wide spread social media platforms where the Pentagon's bots are active is Quora wiki Q & A site, where members ask questions and others answer them while the site makes money from all, smart but like other social media giants, they do not create content but receive the benefits from it.

The subject question was asked by a member of Quora: 'Is Syria still a threat to Israel'? As if Israel was there then Syria came to pose a threat and now it's doubtful, not to reflect that Israel was created to destabilize the Levant and beyond and steal as much land as it can to establish the Anti-Christ's temple.

My answer, which saw an unusal surge in views and replies, will be shared here out of the usual fear that Quora moderators would censor it, as they always do when criticizing Israel, the answer goes as follows:

If there’s any real military threat to Israel it is the Syrian Arab Army. It has proved to be the most formidable army in the region, if not beyond.

No other army could stand an asymmetric warfare waged against it by more than 100 countries including the superpowers and super rich, at least not for more than a couple of weeks.

No other army stayed mostly unified throughout over 8 years, despite its enemies spent hundreds of billions of US dollars to destroy it, two countries alone spent $138 billion up to 2017, as per the confession of the Qatari former prime minister in a TV interview to defeat the SAA.

No other army could fight at the time of highest tensions over 40 fronts daily all over the country against the world’s filthiest filth the anti-Islamic Wahhabi suicide bombers, who with the help of Turkey, Saudi, Qatar, CIA, France, UK, along with many others, including Russia if you may, managed to smuggle into Syria in excess of 350,000 foreign terrorists of the likes of ISIS and al-Qaeda Levant aka Nusra Front.

One single armed terrorist of these groups put the entire French law enforcement agencies plus their army and national guards on alert until they shot him down with over 300 bullets…

One single ‘suspected to be armed’ terrorist put the entire city of Boston under lock down for 24 hours and all the US law enforcements went after him.

Imagine having over 350,000 of them in the country and imagine they’re not ‘lone wolves’, they’re actually backed by the USA which acted as ISIS Air Force in Syria, Israel, which acted as al-Qaeda sponsors in Syria, Turkey, which acted as the caring mother of all the terrorist groups under the FSA umbrella.

No other army was systematically demonized by all western mainstream media, the Pentagon propagandists and warmongers, along with their regional stooges, and wasn’t affected.

No other army than the SAA is as battle-hardened army in the whole world, fighting for over 8 years against all of NATO with all their mights, all the Gulfies, and all the world’s trash. No other army fought in all terrains, all weather conditions, all sides of the country and inside the country, using old modernized weapons, fighting what journalist Robert Fisk described few years ago ‘unwinnable battles’ and winning it.

Keep in mind that Russia joined end of 2015, and only offers aerial assistance in the face of ISIS air force, so from early 2011 the SAA was alone.

Such an army poses great military threat to Israel, which its IDF terrorists were defeated in a very humiliating manner by the tiny Hezbollah group that time in 2006.

Israeli IDF terrorists weeping their lost colleagues who were wiped out by Hezbollah south of Lebanon 2006.

But what poses a greater existential threat to Israel is the fact that Syria is the only secular country in the region. All other countries and entities are sectarian and ethnic based. Thus Israel could survive in such sectarian, radical religious, and ethnically separated environment as a ‘Jewish State’, but cannot survive when its direct neighbor it’s in a state of war with is secular and secularism is as contagious as sectarianism.

End of my answer on Quora

Naturally, the bots came to the defense of Israel and its crimes in the comments there with no value added. Some I used their comments to reply and educate the readers who would come across the question and my answer there.

I'll appreciate any constructive comment.

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