
in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Selamat pagi all steemit.para petani sekarang baru siap menanam padi,padi lagi tumbuh berkembang dan para petani lagu nunggu hasil dari tanaman padi,para aktivis lagi berkumpul dan shering masalah para petani karena harga padi menurun jadi para petani rugi kalau harga jual padi menurun,,,para aktivis duduk dan melihat para petani yang sangat lelah,pupuk mahal padi murah jadi tidak cocok harga pupuk fan padi.para aktivis lagi mencari solusi untuk membantu masyarakat petani yang lagi galau.....
Good morning all steemit.para farmers are now just ready to plant rice, rice growing again and the farmers of the song waiting for the results of rice plants, the activists again gathered and shering the problems of the farmers because the price of rice decreased so the farmers lose if the price of rice decreased, , the activists sat down and saw the very tired farmers, cheap rice fertilizer cheap so did not match the price of fertilizer fan padi.para activists again looking for solutions to help the peasants who are more upset .....


Thanks for support steem network.

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