The Steeming Numbers Don't Lie!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

There was a recent poll taken to check the pulse of Steemians ~ What things should be improved to make Steem great again?

It is going to be interesting to see what the poll reveals about the feelings of Steemians!


The first thing I would question is the premise that Steem was ever great! I can't imagine anyone that was apart of the beginning conceding to the idea that Steem was great.

This is the beginning of our journey as a blockchain. The best is yet to come. It will be great, and we are all in, to enjoy every waking blog moment.

Steemians must be careful not to misconstrue what the current numbers are actually telling us. Like the number of new Steem accounts being added to the blockchain versus the number of new Steem accounts that are profitable and active in building the Steem blockchain.

I have blogged this before, and merits being blasted moreover ~ the Steem reward payouts are rigged to prohibit plagiarism and spamming, but it may be a major cause of attrition and retention!

If a new Steem account owner joins the blockchain, it stands a 50% chance of failure after 90 days! Fixing the algorithm so that all upvotes count towards new accounts will be great for new accounts versus the prospects now of casting nearly 2000 upvotes for no reward payout!

Maybe the new comers should be blamed for not figuring out that things are rigged for behavioral purposes, like motivating people that want to succeed, cough over the fiat to buy a 90 day delegation of Steem Power to overcome this major obstruction of Steeming success.

Just ask the question if you don't believe my point of view... Would you unknowingly spend 90 days for little to no Steem rewards casting thousands of upvotes? You don't think that is demoralizing? The premise was that you earn Steem rewards for curation of published blog content.

Furthermore, look at the new account authors pumping out high quality content as we, the Steemian stakeholders of the blockchain, really want and support. But when the Steem rewards don't show up after the 7 day payout period, it crushes their enthusiasm.

Anyone familiar with building a blockchain business organization like Steem knows, enthusiasm is driven by earned rewards. Successful and profitable Steem account owners will attract new social media networkers. That is the contagious enthusiasm that has to take over now.

In my opinion, the most telling trending tag indicator of how well Steem is actually doing is "introduceyourself"... It is now around 150-200 posts, way way down from 10,000 - 12,000 posts! What happened? What is the cause of this decline?

Look at the before and after of the so called "hardfork"... Aside from the fact most Steemians don't know what a "hardfork" is as far as blockchain technology is concerned, did new Steem account actiivity increase or decrease?

When I look in my crystall ball, I saw activity decline after HardFork20! Now what?

What is the next "hardfork" going to deal with? ~ Will it separate the market value of Steem in the cryptocurrency markets from Steem reward payouts?

Many are really feeling the recession depression of Steem. When the market value of Steem on the exchanges is down like it is now, so are Steem reward payouts... When value is up like it use to be, so will the reward payouts be up like they used to be.

This is the complicated conundrum that has to be figured out fast. I think we can "hardfork" to stabilize the Steem reward payouts by separating it from the value on the exchanges so we all win! Reward content creation and curation separate from the conditions of the cryptocurrency exchanges.

Furthermore, add a denomination series to the Steem token to increase its monetary function ~ give it the MOE (medium of exchange) for e-commerce. According to the Steem white paper it only has unit of account.

Think of it! There are 4 monetary functions, and Steem like other cryptocurrency have only 1 function ~ unit of account!
What about medium of exchange, store value, and standard of deferred payment?

Until this cryptocurrency conundrum is solved, it will be a long time before it replace fiat in e-commerce and consumption in the global economy!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my thoughtful feelings about this important issue regarding STEEM ~ the world's #1 social network!

Keep steeming Steemians with fearless bravery...


Pixabay is the source of photos.


You make some very valid points in regards to retention.. it is a battle between letting spammers join and run amok while filtering in the good users... which is stifling to say the least🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

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