Information Finding Championship round 2 results.

in #contest7 years ago

Hello there! Welcome to my digital castle.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and on instagram

The results of our second round are below.


apolymask - Voted for grizzman

rarebooksleuth - Voted for kryptocek

charisma777 - Voted for

luckysteem - Voted for kryptocek

harj - Voted for mnallica

addempsea - Voted for

Surprisingly enough.. Our second round has also resulted in a tie!
It's a tie between @kryptocek and

The subject of this tie breaker challenge will be similar to the second round, except I want you find me the best artwork of the sun this time instead of the moon. I think it's important to try to balance things out sometimes and if we do the moon we might as well do the sun too! :)

Whoever brings the best sun artwork will win the tiebreaker round. :)
Good luck! If you don't find this blog post yourself relatively soon I'll go to your page and make sure to let you know what's going on.

The rules of this tie breaker round are..

You must create your own blog post on your page in regards to the challenge with a title mentioning the specific contest, IE something like.. "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 2 tie breaker entry" and then link it here on this page in the comments below. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

For this challenge.. If there's a tie.. Ummm... I guess we'll do another one! Lol... Might as well just keep going until someone wins. Though hopefully we don't have a tie over and over and over again, heh.

The winner will be decided by whoever gets the most votes.
The only people who can vote in a qualifying sense are myself and the four judges I've selected and we will vote by leaving a comment on the submission that we like the most and say something like.. "I vote for this one" and a reason why we voted would be good too, but is not mandatory.

You have until this challenges post payout ends to submit your post.

The challenge will finish after 7 days when the post ends and provides its payout cycle and unless there is a tie, the one with the most votes will get a level up and a point to go towards their long term win and the steem/sbd from the challenge (minus the 25% or so for curation)
If there is a tie, we go again till someone wins.

If you are new and want to know more about how the contest works in general, this link may help that explains the Information Finding Championship in more detail.

Just in case anyone is confused.. To clarify again in regards to the rules.


1. 2nd round tiebreaker challenge starts now and is a challenge for the best sun artwork. (see below for acceptable content entries) 2. Create a blog post for the contest. 3. Title must contain contest round, "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 2 tie breaker entry" 4. Leave a link to your post in the comments below. 5. And you also have to use the #informationfinding tag in your blog post as well.

Acceptable content

  1. Best artwork of the sun
  2. Language is primarily in English and if you would like to participate from elsewhere in the world it is up to you to translate your message into English so we can understand you.

Good luck in the contest!
Artwork credit - Joshua Clement on Facebook

PS here are the reasons the judges voted the way they did if you are interested.

Reasons why judges voted the way they did.

My reason.

I'm voting for grizzman's entry for round 2.
It was an incredibly tough decision because there was a lot of good entries.
In the end it came down to and grizzman and I really really wanted to pick because she told me she put 4 hours into that piece she made and I thought it was a cool and funny piece.
Though.. In the end, I vibed more with grizzmans picture because it's sort of what I felt like I was asking for the most.. A good picture of the moon and it even has a city down below which to me sort of gives the impression that people are working and buzzing around and through that work and effort we will sort of "go to the moon".. And I dunno, it just felt like what I was asking for the most when I originally asked for a good moon picture to sort of represent steemit "going to the moon".

And while I really love sandrina's effort and time and creativity, I don't feel like most people would get the connection I was asking for in her celery moon picture.

Was a really really tough and I hope people don't get upset at me cause I didn't vote for them in the end, I gotta try to stay true to me and vote for what I think best fit the request, even if it seems like someone else may have earned it or needed it more..

I deal with similar in the first round.. I felt like someone needed it more, but I went with the one that I thought best represented what I asked for.
So please don't be mad at me.. I'm just trying to be as fair as I can and this is a lot harder than I thought it would be to judge these!!!

Anyways.. Awesome entry grizzman! Thanks! :)

I vote for you mnallica I like the end of time feel about you poem its now it really is thank you Harj

I voted for this one. I like your creativity!

charisma777 i vote for you in the second round! Good luck we will keep you all updated on the winner!

I love this. You've got my vote for Round 2!


Congratulation you two @kryptocek and, and everyone that entered, A second tie, I certainly do not envy the judges of this contest, it is hard work.

Thank you! It sure is but good fun to say the least :)

This first drawing is actually so nice! It reminds me of the Little Mermaid :-)

wow it is amazing .. congrats to the winners :)

AHH another tie!!! Back to work lol

@apolymask wow great article

OMG really!!! Thanks for whoever voted me.
Can you be more precise regarding the task? You want us to "find the best artwork of the sun this time instead of the moon", you want us to create a new one, does it have to be related to steemit or anything regarding the sun?
Again, I am lost in this post, when is the deadline?

It's basically the same as the moon challenge you already did except the sun.
And while the moon challenge had a hint of "steemit going to the moon" in it, I'm not sure there's an equal metaphor for the sun? But.. I suppose if you could get some cool sun artwork that had steemit in it that would probably be even better. :)

It doesn't have to be new artwork, but just like the other challenges if you copy someone elses stuff please let us know who the original artist is if you know.

Deadline is like the other challenges as well, this is essentially just like the other challenges, only it's a tie breaker.. BUT.. Since there's only two of you.. I suppose we could end the round sooner if you both got your entries in before the 7 day window and all the judges vote before then as well. But ultimately, this payout won't be given until the round ends and we officially get the post payout after a week.

Here is my entry for the tie breaker!

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