in #wafrica6 years ago

I woke up one morning, and saw a bird, sitting on a tree, it was so beautiful, its face had many coloures, it's purple in colour and lower part was yellow.
Then I wondered, how much time it took to create all these beautiful things in the world.

I looked at myself, and of course yourself,
with a heart, a brain, liver etc.
How did I come to be, I survived even inside someone else's Tommy( my mum), I fed inside the womb, and came out a human being.
You might talk about all the biology and everything but deep down you know, these things are beyond science.
How come something so simple as air sustains life. And I came out crying, when I was born, who even taught me how to cry.


Imagine these amazing creations:
The blue whale;
It is over the height of a 9 story building , it has a heart that is larger than a full elephant,
It's tongue alone, they say is heavier than an automobile.
Do you even know it's cry is louder than jet engines?
90 - 100 persons can fit into its mouth.


How about the electric ells, an organism that can generate electric current inside them.
Do you know that the jellyfish has the ability to produce light?
I begin to wonder and wonder and wonder, the more I wonder, the more confused I get.
The oysters and starfishes can change their sex , yes their gender, So, they can decide to be a boy today and tomorrow a girl. Funny right? And amazing when you think about it.


Just take a while and look at the sky, it's always moving,what is its driving force?
What about the sun, with so much energy, the stars and the moon.
Job was asked, If he knew where the pillars of this world was placed, I begin to wonder, how would this so called pillars look like.
Have you thought of the fact that we came from dust? As in the soil!, how?!

If I continue, I believe my head would blow up,
Because the list is unending, and yet one "person" created them all.


Yes he is my GOD, and our creator.
Now you can imagine how powerful the God you serve is.
I didn't want to look at the miracle part, like where the red sea divided and people walked across an ocean on dry land and all that.

He is awesomely awesome,
Mightily mighty,
Excellently excellent, and
Extremely powerful.

Sometimes when I use words to describe him I feel it's even an insult,because I believe these words are not enough, I mean, we still use this words to qualify men(humans). So I prefer attaching infinite to these words. For even upon his power he is loving, even
upon his power he is loving,
Irrespective of his holiness, he is merciful,
And his strength, he is a peaceful God.

When you know all these, you know whom you serve is as great as this, I wonder what mere supernaturals or even common men can do to you.

My God is infinitely awesome, he is beyond what your head can imagine.
And he is my father so fear is a word missing in my dictionary.

Thanks for reading..
And if you agree with me describe him in your own way in the comments below.


Thank you for this wonderful piece, am following you, i thank God for my life, and the lives of my family and friends.. The gift of life is divine

Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

Lol, thanks, I appreciate the positive comment

He his the done of what you can imagine and what u can not. I learned new things from your article. It's awesome

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