
You're are right, let's steem clean the planet

Posted using Partiko Android

Definitely @yonilkar, but we really have to make people stop throwing things that way ! thanks for your comment dear !

We have to change that, we have a beautiful world (I was going to type country), every time people throw garbage is a bad way to built an ugly world.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's right ! That's right ! This is because most people do not have an idea of continuity, but human history is built on cycles of endless restarts, and there is no shortage of evidence. Humanity is still a child.

Yes we are a little baby who lost his Drippers

Posted using Partiko Android

exactly ! ;)

Great Work. !!!

Thanks you @marionbowes :) have a nice day !

De l'action de l'action de l'action bravo

Oui ! j'apprécie beaucoup le format vidéo ;) à bientôt !

I truly appreciate your contribution to our Planet Earth and I'm happy to be part of @cleanplanet revolution :)

Hi @nathanmars ! I try to have this daily routine and always find the time to do it ! I'm quite new to Dtube but I found the tool perfect for this kind of cleaning session and I will probably record some recipes also.. Thanks for your support and I wish a good day !

Hi @nathanmars happy to hear that you want to be part of the project but how are you willing to participate ? :)

I’ve big vision for Dtube and @cleanplanet is gonna play key role with Dtube Revolution.

Please give me 2-3 weeks and I’ll be explaining in a exclusive vlog about how I’m gonna empower @cleanplanet community members!

Thanks for your patient and I truly appreciate this initiative and I’m happy to be part of Cleaning the Mother Nature!

Those good news are nice to hear dear @nathanmars ! I'll definitely look forward ,-) See you soon !

belle action bravo

merci @cryptoyzzy !! la vidéo c'est pas encore ça, de mon point de vue, mais le coeur y est !

t'inquiète je suis pas Besson non plus, d'ailleurs aujourd'hui j'ai bien galéré avec le vent et les plastiques je poste ça bientôt

pas de soucis ! Oui j'ai vu ça ;) et il faudrait avoir un système pour tenir le sac !

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