How Does Poor Nutrition Contribute to Bad Moods?

in #health7 years ago

Hey guys today we will jump into a list of food that you need to stay away from to be cheerful all day everyday

So let's get started!!!

How do you feel after inhaling a bowl of pasta or any other heavy dish; Are you super alert or feeling sluggish and ready for a nap afterward?

Food has a massive influence on our moods and how we feel, whether they’d mood-boosting foods or the reverse. That’s because what we eat affects the neurotransmitters our brain produces.

So what are Neurotransmitters?


These are the brain chemicals which guide how we’re feeling. Neurotransmitters like serotonin help us relax, while dopamine can help us feel more focused.

The foods we eat provide the building blocks for these chemicals, as our brains extract the nutrients necessary from the foods we eat to create the neurotransmitters, which, in turn, regulate and enhance our moods.

But if our brains aren’t given the fuel they need to provide the right balance of neurotransmitters, we can be prone to mood swings, seemingly endless bad days and more.

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like wild-caught salmon and avocado, boost our moods, low-quality food actually negatively impact your brain. Studies have linked processed foods to depression, greater aggression, anxiety and other mental illnesses.

Our blood sugar also affects our moods. When foods are high in added sugars, the spike is followed by a crash when insulin starts to clear sugar from your blood causing irritability.

Here is a list of Bad Mood Foods to Avoid and Alternatives

So next time when you head to shop have an eye on what you should be buyin and what you shouldn’t!!!!

If you are the one who has any of these foods or drinks in your diet, it might be time to swap them for feel-good foods instead.



Alcohol sometimes plays a bigger role in our day-to-day lives than we realize.

But if you’ve been feeling down in the dumps, it might be time to evaluate how much and how often you’re drinking. While alcohol can be good for you, particularly red wine, imbibing too frequently can leave you feeling pretty down in the dumps, well past that morning after hangover.

While you’re sipping your drink, you might feel cheerier, but your brain is busy at work, as alcohol triggers it to produce hormones that increase feelings of stress and anxiety.

And as a depressant, alcohol also reduces serotonin, the “feel good” hormone and affects the nervous system, all of which can lead to a bad mood.

What is the alternative?

Limit your alcohol consumption to just a glass or two of red wine a week.

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Try gluten-free alcohol. Or, better yet, go alcohol-free and relax with some probiotic-rich, fermented cold drinks like kombucha or kvass.


Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners:


While it might taste good, when it comes to sugars, things don’t stay sweet for long.

Sugar sends our minds and bodies into a tailspin. After the initial high and inevitable crash, it increases feelings of anxiety, irritability and depression. It can also hinder the body’s ability to fight stress, making it difficult to unwind and chill out.

Naturally occurring sugars, like those found in fruits, are fine, But those sneaky sugars added to food products — even some you wouldn’t expect, like yogurt and bread — are what you need to watch out for.

Artificial sweeteners:

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They are just as bad, too. Be it yellow, pink, white all of them and even the sugar free gums has a great impact on your brain and side effects include headaches, mood disorders, dizziness and migraines.

What is the alternative?

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There are a ton of natural sweeteners available, from raw honey and stevia to coconut sugar and blackstrap molasses. Experiment with the substitute that works best for each individual recipe or your needs.

Margarine and other “butter-like” substances:


It’s really tough these days when one heads to the frozen aisle of the grocery store there are variety of different oils and a whole range of products.

But when it comes to choosing foods that make you happy and are good for your health, it’s best to avoid these smooth, butter-like substances.

They usually are produced with fats that increase inflammation and have high levels of omega-6 fatty acids. These compete with and block out omega-3 fatty acids, natural mood enhancers, which messes with your mood and your insulin levels.

What is the alternative?


Sticking to the basics and choosing good old grass-fed butter is your best bet here.
If you’re purchasing it for cooking, ghee is also a fantastic choice.

Deli meats

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You probably already skip out on processed meats like hot dogs and bologna. But check the packaging on your favorite deli turkey or chicken meat, too.

These products are often packed with fillers, preservatives, sugar and salt.

It can cause migraines, bloating, mood swings and even swollen ankles and it’s a long list.

And if you’re buying non-organic, the animals these cold cuts are made from might even getting a dose of antibiotics as well.

What is the alternative?

Carefully read labels and choose brands without fillers or added nitrates.


Best thing you can do is roast and carve up your own birds to use in sandwiches, salads and it’s more budget-friendly, too!

Egg whites:


I’m a massive fan of eggs. They’re an inexpensive, high-quality protein that’s readily available.

So why are egg whites on the list?

Because when you get rid of half the egg, you’re also eliminating most of the food’s mood-enhancing benefits.

Eggs are loaded with nutrients our bodies require, like protein, B vitamins and choline, so they’re excellent at supporting brain health and keeping our moods balanced.

But all that good stuff? It’s found in the yolks, not the whites. If you’ve been skipping them, you’re missing out on all of the delicious nutrition.

What is the alternative?

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Eat the whole egg! As simple as that, however choose the right type of eggs go for organic, free-range eggs, which come from happier chickens and are better for you than conventionally farm raised eggs.

Non-organic fruits and veggies:

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I am big advocate for more fruits and vegetables but certain types might actually affect your mood. What are those?

By regularly eating non-organic produce, you might be getting a dose of neurotoxins along with your fruit and veggies.

If crops that have been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides; you’re likely getting remnants of it on your food. These chemicals have been found to affect mental health as well as causing nutritional deficiencies, particularly in minerals, which are essential for keeping you healthy and calm.

Genetically modified fruits and vegetables can also introduce icky bacteria and disrupt your gut flora. Because the gut-brain connectionis so strong, a gut that’s not at optimal levels can lead to mood
swings and disorders.

What is the alternative?

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Buy organic as much as possible. Make it budget-friendly by buying the organic version of foods rather than the one’s contaminated with harmful pesticides.

Also shop at local farmers markets, where you can often get good deals on organic and GMO-free in-season produce.

And If you want to take it to the next level just cultivate the crops yourself, Preferably the one’s which you consume on a daily basis.

• The foods you eat affect the chemicals in your brain and your blood sugar, which all affect your mood.
• Mood swings, headaches and sugar lows can all be side effects from the foods we eat.
• Avoiding alcohol, foods with added sugars or other ingredients and sticking to whole foods as much as possible helps balance your mood and keep you stable.
• You can always swap the un-healthy foods with the healthy ones. All it takes is the willingness to do so.

So there you have it guys; the most frequently consumed foods that affect your mood and their alternatives.

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Alcohol should not exist in our diet.
Alcohol must not exist in our digestion, If you eat meat with fruit or sweet juices, alcohol will result in digestion.

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