C'est Une Chanson d'AmoursteemCreated with Sketch.

C'est une chanson d'amour
Qui s'envole
Triste ou folle,
Qui s'envole
Triste ou folle...



Ah! je le savais bien que tu m'aimais, que tu m'aimais encore!

Mon coeur m'avait bien dit que j'étais regretté!
Mon coeur m'avait bien dit que j'étais regretté.
J'ai le bonheur dans l'âme!
Demain tu seras ma femme!
Heureux époux, heureux époux,
L'avenir est à nous! est à nous!
L'avenir est à nous.
L'avenir, l'avenir est à nous, à nous.

J'ai le bonheur dans l'âme!
Demain je serai ta femme!
Heureux époux, heureux époux,
L'avenir est à nous! est à nous!
L'avenir est à nous.
L'avenir, l'avenir est à nous, à nous.

A l'amour soyons fidèles!
Que ses chaînes éternelles,
| Ah! gardent nos coeurs, nos coeurs
| Du temps même vainqueurs, du temps vainqueurs!
| A l'amour soyons fidèles!
| oui, gardent nos coeurs
| Du temps même vainqueurs!
\ A l'amour soyons fidèles!

| J'ai le bonheur dans l'âme!
| J'ai le bonheur dans l'âme!
| Demain tu seras ma femme!
| Heureux époux,,
| L'avenir, l'avenir est à nous, est à nous!
| J'ai le bonheur dans l'âme!
| Demain je serais ta femme!
| Heureux époux,,
\ L'avenir est à nous, est à nous!
L'avenir est à nous,
L'avenir, l'avenir est à nous, à nous,
L'avenir est à nous! à nous!

Pourtant, ô ma fiancée,
Te dirai-je une pensée
Qui me trouble malgré moi?
La musique m'inspire un peu de jalousie;
Tu l'aimes trop!

Voyez l'étrange fantaisie!
T'aimè-je donc pour elle
Ou l'aimè-je pour toi?
Car toi tu ne vas pas me défendre de chanter
Comme a fait mon père?

Que dis-tu!

Oui, mon pè à présent
m'impose la vertu du silence...
Veux-tu m'entendre?

C'est étrange! est-ce donc?

Viens là comme autrefois!
viens là écoute et tu verras
si j'ai perdu ma voix,
si j'ai perdu ma voix!

Comme ton oeil s'anime
Et comme ta main tremble!

Tiens ce doux chant d'amour
Que nous chantions ensemble

Ce doux chant d'amour

Que nous chantions ensemble!


C'est une chanson d'amour qui s'envole triste ou folle
Qui s'envole triste ou folle tour à tour!
C'est une chanson d'amour qui s'envole triste ou folle
C'est une chanson d'amour,
C'est une chanson d'amour.
La rose nouvelle sourit au printemps,
Las! combien de temps vivra-t-elle?
Combien de temps vivra-t-elle? vivra-t-elle? Ah!
C'est une chanson d'amour qui s'envole triste!
triste ou folle
Qui s'envole triste ou folle tour à tour!

C'est une chanson d'amour qui s'envole triste ou folle,
C'est une chanson d'amour,
c'est une chanson d'amour.

Un rayon de flamme pare ta beauté.
Verras-tu lété, fleur de l'âme?
Verras-tu lété, fleur de l'âme? fleur de l'âme?
C'est une chanson d'amour qui s'envole
/ Triste ou folle,
| Qui s'envole Triste ou folle Tour à Tour!
| Hoffmann
| Triste ou folle,
\ C'est une chanson d'amour!

C'est une chanson d'amour
Qui s'envole Triste ou folle,
C'est une chanson d'amour,
C'est une chanson d'amour!

  • "C'est Une Chanson d'Amour", Hoffmann and Antonia from Jacques Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann, Libretto by Jules Barbier and Michel Carré based on Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann's Der Sandmann, Rath Krespel, and Das verlorene Spiegelbild; first performance on February 10, 1881, at the Opéra-Comique, Paris, France.

It's a love song
Who flies away,
Sad or crazy
Alternately! ...

Hoffmann! ...

Antonia! ...

Ah! I knew that you still loved me!

My heart told me I was sorry!
But why were we separated?

I do not know.


Ah! I have happiness in my soul!
Tomorrow you will be my wife.
Happy husband
The future is ours!
To love, let us be faithful!
That his eternal chains
Keep our hearts
At the same time winners!

Ah! I have happiness in my soul!
Tomorrow, I'll be your wife!
Happy husband,
The future is ours!
Every day, new songs!
Your genius opens its wings!
My winning song
Is the echo of your heart!

Yet, O my fiancée,
Shall I tell you a thought
Who troubles me despite myself?
The music inspires me a little jealousy,
You love him too much!

See the strange fantasy!
Do you love me for her, or do I love her for you?
Because you're not going to defend me
To sing, as did my father?

What are you saying?

Yes, my father now, imposes on me the virtue
Do you want to hear me?

It's strange! ... Is it ...

Come here, as before.
Listen and you'll see if I lost my voice.

As your eye comes alive and your hand trembles!

Here, that sweet song of love that we sang together.


It's a love song
Who flies away
Sad or crazy
It's a love song.
The new rose
Smiles in the spring.
How long
She lives?

It's a love song
Who flies away,
Sad or crazy
It's a love song.

A ray of flame
Takes care of your beauty
Do you see summer,
Flower of the soul?

It's a love song
Who flies away
Sad or crazy
It's a love song.

This piece of Messi x Karina fan art, which is my second submission Stardust-Kiiro's 1000-Point/Core Contest, is dedicated to those who love Messi and Karina, who are also Stardust-Kiiro's OCs, as a loving couple as well as embodying the romantic yet tragic pair of Hoffmann and Antonia from Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann. Sit back, relax, and soak in that beauty.

Ladies, gentlemen, and opera fans of all ages, Messi and Karina have struck again as another iconic romantic couple in opera. This time it is Messi as the lovesick and impassioned poet, Hoffmann, and Karina as the ill-fated and tragic young woman who desires to be a great singer but is stricken with consumption, Antonia. Accompanying this lovely couple is a portrait of Antonia's mother on the left who is given the name Angela in one of the real E.T.A. Hoffmann's stories Rath Krespel or Councillor Crespel although, in the opera, she is unnamed, but she also has a stirring trio with Antonia and the villain, Doctor Miracle, who invokes Antonia's mother's spirit to sing with her daughter but is also responsible for killing her mother much to the grief and anguish of her father Crespel. However, Antonia dies after singing her heart out with her mother's ghost and Doctor Miracle. On the right is the music sheet resting on the music stand to the main duet "C'est Une Chanson d'Amour" which is in the key of G-Major. I figure that Hoffmann is the perfect fit for Messi, as he does have his passion but is not as overly sentimental as Hoffmann is. Karina as Antonia is like hitting the jackpot in the casino because she does embody her creative spirit and love for singing so beautifully. I could not have asked for a more iconic French opera couple than Hoffmann and Antonia to fit Messi's and Karina's lovely dynamic. By the way, Antonia is only one of Hoffmann's loves, as the other ones he has are Olympia the mechanical doll and Giulietta the courtesan. Moreover, Olympia the mechanical doll, Antonia the artist, and Giulietta the courtesan are embodied by the same woman who is Stella the singer whom Hoffmann is enamored with.

Ever since listening to Offenbach's Les Contes d'Hoffmann as a ten-year-old fourth grader, I have come to appreciate Hoffmann's and Antonia's duet which always succeeds in making me well up with tears in my eyes just as much as the final trio between her, Doctor Miracle, and her mother's ghost. The varying tempi, the use of strings and woodwinds, and the lyrics to describe Hoffmann's and Antonia's beautiful yet tragic love for each other make me excited to listen to this duet. Additionally, out of all the Hoffmann heroines, I love Antonia the most because Offenbach has composed one of the most beautiful music ever for this consumptive heroine, and it really takes a lyric coloratura soprano or a dramatic coloratura soprano to sing all of Antonia's beautifully exciting music compared with finesse and pathos in comparison to Olympia's pristine soprano leggero or lyric coloratura soprano and Giulietta's gorgeous light lyric soprano or full lyric soprano. Hoffmann's and Antonia's stirring duet is no exception because combining Hoffmann's lyric tenor or spinto tenor with Antonia's lyric coloratura soprano or dramatic coloratura soprano makes for an excitable listening experience. It also takes a technically skilled tenor-soprano duo to pull off Offenbach's sweeping music with aplomb and technical prowess. Therefore, I have compiled seven of my favorite interpreters of Hoffmann's and Antonia's duet to accompany this piece of Messi x Karina fan art: Gaston Micheletti and Emma Luart, Raoul Jobin and Geori Boué, Nicolai Gedda and Victoria de los Angeles, Kenneth Riegel and Christiane Eda-Pierre, Placido Domingo and Ileana Cotrubas, Neil Shicoff and Cristina Gallardo-Domas, and Jerry Hadley and Soile Isokoski. Some of these exponents are a bit shortened, but I still hope you enjoy their glorious voices, and I would love to hear your favorite exponents of the Hoffmann/Antonia duet from the ones I provided.
C'est Une Chanson D'Amour.jpg

Gaston Micheletti (Hoffmann) and Emma Luart (Antonia)

Raoul Jobin (Hoffmann) and Geori Boué (Antonia)

Nicolai Gedda (Hoffmann) and Victoria de los Angeles (Antonia)

Kenneth Riegel (Hoffmann) and Christiane Eda-Pierra (Antonia)

Placido Domingo (Hoffmann) and Ileana Cotrubas (Antonia)

Neil Shicoff (Hoffmann) and Cristina Gallardo-Domas (Antonia)

Jerry Hadley (Hoffmann) and Soile Isokoski (Antonia)

I hope you all enjoyed this, and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and keep on supporting Messi and Karina as a gorgeously loving couple, everybody.

Messi and Karina belong to Stardust-Kiiro.

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