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in #abuse7 years ago

Restating for emphasis.

and seriously what the fuck. Not impressed.

And it was a -$20 downvote!


The fighting around here is now absurd, this truly underscores that. Sorry you've been caught in the crossfire.

The lesson here is that when there's a war in the streets collateral damage becomes commonplace. How can we end this childish nonsense?


I was SO EXCITED to notice that this post has been revived!


@kpine, I see you just started posting and your first post was incredibly supportive of the community. I'm excited to see more of your work, you are a good soul.

He is the best whale we have on steemit. I really can’t describe how much he inspires me and motivates me!

yeah i know! its just like for what reason. i dont know, i am talking to loads of people, and it seems a lot of them been abused in this cross fire. Its up to CEO to shut these poeple down, only they can do that! btw how did you do that thingy where it shows the amount next to each person who voted? thats so cool!

Yeah... Its sad to see this type of thing happening. Its almost as if some people are actually investing huge amounts of money to power up their STEEM POWER to absurdly high levels, just to downvote everybody in an attempt to destroy Steemit... :(

Its up to CEO to shut these poeple down, only they can do that!

Sorry, but that wont happen.

Steemit is designed as a community governance platform. Steem Inc. Hasn't an never Will get directly involved in shutting down anyone.

As @ned already states somewhere, as long as the user brings is traffic to the site, he doesnt Care what people write/vote/flag.

For vote valued check
It is a pretty good Tool.

Yeah, steemworld is pretty cool and made my Handy Steem Links list.

It's my feeling that only software solutions can deal with the reward rape issue; so long as such a fork could get Witness approval.

Funny story, someone else posted a picture showing vote values and I reacted the same as you, "Where can I get this!?" and it took me awhile to figure it out.

The answer is SteemPlus which you can easily install as a Chrome extension and is also available in Firefox and Opera but you'll need to look at How to install here if you use those browsers.

ooh nice thanks so much! will download it now!

Welcome to the club... But... How did you restore your reputation ???

Hey @antihaejin, I support a lot of what Bernie does on this platform even if he doesn't always express himself with tact. He's supporting our struggle against Haejin which Done has decided to oppose.

I caught a few downvotes from Done. Zeroed out a couple spam fighting comments and an unrelated meme.

Even many minnows (like myself) and plankton have put our rep on the line to oppose Haejin's manipulation and are willing to ride all the way to zero if necessary. If we gotta go out, damned if we're not going to go out fighting for what we believe in. Thankfully we have some rockstar whales and dolphins fighting by our side.

@alllasyummyfood may not have stepped back to see the wider struggle as it is not merely a feud between Bernie and Done or Haejin. No, this struggle encompasses more than that. This is a statement against those with power that hope to abuse the platform. We are demonstrating that, if you decide to try to turn Steem into your own personal piggyback bank through devious means, there will be consequences. The self policing mechanism was designed into the platform and now it is time we use it.

The blatant greed and manipulation at the top is likely one of the biggest barriers for entry in this platform spare the issues that people have creating an account. We can't just sweep it under the rug. It's time to clean house.

I would like to apologise that you were downvoted, @allasyummyfood. I hope you can see past that and hopefully see the merit in what we are trying to do collectively. We could sure use help from people like you. Doesn't need to be flags. Upvoting a few casualties would go a long way and build morale. This struggle may very well be pivotal to the future of Steem.

Thanks for the--dare I say--heartfelt response here @anthonyadavisii, I truly appreciate that. I also recognize the great strides against haejin your group has made and I do appreciate that.

It's time to clean house.

I appreciate that as well, but my issue is, if I show up at a bar late at night, it's fair to expect some vulgarity and aggression. If I'm cooking desserts in the kitchen, I don't expect to see that kind of behavior there.

I do see that Done has upvoted this post, which helps, but it is still filtered into oblivion because of the massive downvote.


Here's what I suggest. Work your network to push this post back above $0, even just a few cents, but enough that it isn't filtered out anymore.

I can imagine no better olive branch to extend than to undo the damage we see right here. That gesture would give credibility to every word you say here.

Absent that, they are just words.

You're welcome.

You may have noticed my upvote conspicuously missing from this post and there is a reason for that.

In terms of restoring others from downvotes, we have found it more better to upvote other non-negative posts/comments than try to restore a post deep in the hole.

For that reason, I had opted to upvote another post soon after writing my comment and will encourage others to do the same.

That actually makes perfect sense.

What I was aiming for was visible evidence of your coordinated upvoting. Maybe your group could pick one post and upvote that measurably and post back here?

Sorry, that feels a little demanding, which isn't my intent. Just suggesting ways to make a visible impact to show your true intentions.

Thanks for engaging and sharing your thoughts.


I did let the folks in Discord know but it looks like a number of others have come to her aid to include a couple scammers / reward manipulators of note.

Bernie's methodology may be questionable at times but I also question the character and sensibility of those who have chosen to stay neutral in this struggle. They think this issue won't eventually break through their precious little bubbles but it will in time provided those with the gumption to do something about it now fail or give up.

It grieves me, indeed it does, and hence I would prefer hereafter reserving my support to those that are willing to sacrifice for the greater good even at the expense of their profit.

A number of those with power on this platform are sitting on their thumbs but could likely have ended this thing long ago. I don't suspect there is going to be another opportunity like this. Once the greed takes the hill so to speak, there won't be much we can do except fall in line under the new order. I don't want that future.

Perhaps, Bernie is frustrated at the lack of action as much as I am. It's sad. It really is. It kind of makes me sick because, if we are successful, then they will reap from our labors. Hopefully, if that day comes, they will at least thank us for what we have done to secure their and everyone's profit that is willing to sweat for it.

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