- Foundational Teaching #5 - Disciples... grow into Apostles.

in #education7 years ago (edited)
  • Foundational Teaching #5 - Disciples... grow into Apostles.
    Christ said, "Be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."
    That Greek word for perfect means... "complete, mature, grown in mental and moral character."
    This word is used all throughout the New Testament.

Babies do not produce fruit. Only mature plants produce fruit.
The problem is when what you have been taught is incorrect, faulty... or no longer works - a faulty paradigm.
OR.... a flat out LIE. :-)
If the seed is wrong... the result will not only be wrong... but multiple.

A paradigm is, the way things are... how things are done.
Some examples are:

  1. The paradigm used to be typewriters, 8-track tapes.... and industrial age education.
  2. Today the paradigm is computers, i-pods... and information age education.

John's baptism... was from the outside - in.
Christ's baptism.... is from the inside... out.
Fountains of LIVING waters will flow... FROM His people.

One repays a teacher badly, if one always remains nothing more... than a pupil/ student. - Friedrich Nietzsche

As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always listed in last comment.

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Radway 😊😘

  • Crowder - Lift Your Head Weary Sinner (Chains) ft. Tedashii -
  • Changing Education Paradigms - -
  • ---- People often are so caught up in how things USED TO BE... that they cannot accurately evaluate how things... ACTUALLY ARE.
    In other words... they are living in the past.
    This hinders them.... from seeking... from receiving... from learning... from understanding... from preparing... from obeying.

    In the Word, as is in farming, a growing season only has to be 3-4 months IF... you were taught specifically while you were growing up.... or you are willing to learn now at this particular phase of your life.
    (if you are good soil or DESIRE to be - FT #12).

    If not, it CAN take you 40 years... or never.
    It is UP TO YOU.
    Christ said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."
    It is voluntary. It IS also... conditional.
    Many die with their song still in them.

    Wisdom has nothing to do with age... but humbleness, which is the willingness to learn.... to accept what you learn AND THEN.... to apply/ do what you learn... no matter what others may think or say.

    Knowledge without application... is hallucination.

    The Bible was not written in English (FT#23).
    The Old Testament was written in Hebrew. The New Testament was written in Greek and then it was translated into other tongues... or languages (Acts 1-2).

    The Greek word for DISCIPLE means... "student, pupil or learner of a specific teacher and teaching".
    It DOES NOT mean, "a follower of... or someone who believes in, Jesus".
    This gives instant clarity and understanding to Matthew 28:16-20.

    John the Baptist had his disciples, as did the P's and S's.
    The difference is.... John pointed his disciples to Christ.
    He decreased... while Christ increased.
    The P's and S's... did not.

    The Greek word for APOSTLE means, "messenger" ... or "one who is sent".
    Apostles... make more disciples.
    Everyone is a messenger with a message....
    An example of what To Do or... NOT To Do.

    MY message is the same... as Frederick Douglass'.

    • It is easier to build strong children... than to repair broken adults.

    In order to be sent... we first have to be taught.
    That is why Christ says, "Pray that the LORD of the Harvest... will send out workers into his harvest field."
    If we are not taught before we are sent... we will mess up His harvest.
    He does not say... run out there into the harvest and go to work.

    Jesus called the disciples to Him... after teaching them.
    He chose 12, designating them apostles... and sent them out with specific instructions to practice.
    Later He chose 72... and did the same thing.
    He sent them out two by two... together.
    This pattern will be very critical later on.

    Christ is our Master Teacher.
    What repeatedly goes in the eyes and ears.... comes out the mouth and the hands.
    Good or bad.
    Truth... or lie.
    God has commanded us in His Word to teach our children His commands... laws and decrees (Deuteronomy).
    That is why we have 4 gospels.... Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

    My generation and the ones following... have relegated the teaching of our kids to others for far too long.
    We have been given the command to teach our children... not just the commandments. That is what... NOT TO DO.
    If we keep getting told, "Don't do that! Don't do that! Don't do that!" ... Guess what we wind up doing?

    We have to be shown... what TO DO.
    Christ said, "Don't do that... Do THIS."
    We have been given the commandment to also teach the laws and decrees.
    Those are what To Do.
    King Solomon gave the DECREE... to build the temple.
    This required major unity... and knowledge to accomplish this feat.
    A good friend of mine, Michael Ivey once told me when I was teaching a teen bible study, "We got it messed up. God said 'decrees'... and we thought he said 'degrees'."

    The Bible is meant to be explained so simply... that a child can understand it... because that is who the Kingdom of Heaven is made for.
    Our God is not the Author of confusion... but of Peace.
    The god of confusion... is satan.

    Therefore, Christ says that if we hold to His teaching (NIV)... or if we continue in His Word (KJV)... we really are His disciples AND... we will KNOW the Truth... and the Truth will set us free.
    The Truth WILL NOT set us free.
    It is the Truth we KNOW.... that will set us free.

    Many are in bondage today.
    They are slaves.
    They do not KNOW how to be free... or they are disobedient to the Truth... when He shows them how to be free. :-)
    Many wanted to go back to egypt when they got to the desert... and egypt is used in the Word... as an example of bondage or slavery.
    More in visuals coming in detail later.
    Love y'all... Anthony

    • Suggested Study:
    • Books:
    • Jesus Freaks I & II - both books are by dc Talk
    • Foxes' Book of Martyrs by John Foxe
    1. Keys To Success
    2. Think & Grow Rich - (all three by Napoleon Hill)
    3. Master Key To Riches
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