'Weird' Things Happening In Gold, Expert Sounds the Alarm | Kitco News - Jim Rickards

Two unusual stories are unfolding for gold — one strange and the other truly weird, this according to bestselling author Jim Rickards. "These stories explain why gold is not just money but is the most politicized form of money," Rickards, the author of Currency Wars said on Wednesday. "They show that while politicians publicly disparage gold, they quietly pay close attention to it," Rickards said. The first strange gold story involves Germany and its repatriation of its gold from New York and Paris, Rickards explained how this move was much more political than anything. The second weird event for Rickards is Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin's visit to Fort Knox. After Mnuchin tweeted that all $200 billion dollars worth of gold is still there, Rickards said a few red flags went up for him. "Mnuchin is only the third Treasury secretary in history ever to visit Fort Knox and this was the first official visit from Washington, D.C., since 1974. The U.S. government likes to ignore gold and not draw attention to it. So why an impromptu visit by Mnuchin."



Another question would be, "Does anybody trust Steve Mnuchin?" I have an instant distrust of ANYTHING coming out of DC. These are the same people telling us the economy is strong and the dow is up because the dollar is strong. Yeah right.

Han & Chewy say keep stackin.


I agree, It is all just so much BS.

Awesome post, I really enjoyed it. I hope you appreciate the vote!

GOLD will go up next year. then its done. The younger generation do not care for GOLD, only the older people do. The next big thing is CRYPTOCURRENCY's for the next few years..

I wonder who he felt needed to hear the tweet that all the gold is still there.

And I wonder if it is there - are all the bars are solid gold.

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