Vaccine War Heating Up: Mothers of Unvaccinated Children Labeled Criminals

in #vaccines7 years ago

The Vaccine Culture War is heating up. [1] Ground zero is America, Europe and other economically developed countries, where the pharmaceutical industrial complex is raising an iron fist to protect multi-billion dollar profits by disempowering the people.

In America, professors and doctors in academia and government are profiling parents by class and race to shame and discredit those challenging vaccine orthodoxy. Elite members of the highest paid professions in our society are using academic journals and mainstream media to openly preach fear, hate, prejudice and discrimination against people who disagree with them about vaccination.

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Last time my son went in for a check-up I talked to his pediatrician about vaccines and he was highly agitated and dismissive about the subject.

Thanks David! I would get a new pediatrician. I tell people not to ask if you should vaccinate your children because they can not tell you not to do it. Next time ask if he vaccinates his children. He should be able to answer that truthfully as he is not giving you advice. If he will not talk at all I would not use him. A doctor is supposed to help you not hurt you in the interest of big pharma.

That's good advice and I didn't even think to ask about his kids. By his reaction though I can tell that the answer would be yes. We have been using this doctor for 9 years and he has always been great until I asked him about this. I could tell that he was aggravated or even highly aggravated that we would bring up such a thing as vaccines.

I think it shows that he s fully in the pocket of big pharma.

It's a difficult issue. Although parents should be allowed to make independent health choices for their kids, their decisions can harm society as a whole if illnesses that have been kept at bay for a long time are given a new lease of life because some people have refused to vaccinate their children.

Diseases like measles are making a comeback and it is completely unnecessary.

An important message to spread. Thanks.

Thank you Roop @roop! Sad so few people have the ears to hear and the courage to act.

Thank you for your post. The article you referenced is very good.
It includes a video that must be seen.

Thank you marymg2014 @marymg2014 as always you and I know this and the information is out there for everyone. I think people lack courage so they just do what they are told.

We need to keep speaking out because everyone has an opportunity for a wake up.

I agree 100%, Thank you!

That site is a known fake news outlet. It's throwing biased misinformation and scare tactics at the non-vac community to sell its shirts, books and other crap.

Thanks @saiku for the up vote and the reply. I am not sure why you are trying to discredit the information. Are you suggesting that people should inject their children?

I'm suggesting that people only get information from non-biased sources. These websites that push biased crap make our legitimate vaccine concerns as parents seem like we're all crazy.

That article is a scare tactic which hurts the anti-vac movement and I wouldn't be surprised if it was sponsored by big pharma to make the anti-vac movement look like a bunch of nutcases.

Thank @saiku! I agree with you. There are a lot of stories I want to post but will not because of the site. I was not aware of a problem with this site and wanted to publish the story.
I appreciate your concern and your pointing this out to me. Again thanks!

No problem. Sometimes it feels like that the corrupt industry behind "alternative news" outlets is 10 x the size of the mainstream ones.

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