Thoughts from a bus

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

6 in the morning. Again. These trips to the city have me on the verge of snapping against anyone who gets on my bad side.

A few years ago, when I was working at a normal job, I used to wake up at 5 am to walk my dogs, take a shower, get dressed and then drive for an hour to arrive to my office at 6:45 and then work for 11 hours, just to have to drive back home for one and a half hours, sometimes two hours. And that's when I bought a car, before that i just had to add one more hour per trip to my schedule.

I was unhappy. Even though I loved the job, given the circumstances around said job made me the most unhappy I recall being in my adult life.

Well, I may be softening or perhaps I'm getting old, but having to do these wake up at 5 an to take the two hour bus at 6 am, twice a week to get to the city reminds me too much of those sad days where I was a corporate life slave.

Talk about an introduction, huh? Well, I'm not here to whine about petty stuff like this. Its just that I've taken this freaking bus too many times and all of them I say hey, this could be a good time to write my thoughts about random subjects, just like my previous posts thoughts from an airport or thoughts from van in Nicaragua.

Freewriting from my cellphone while sitting on a Mexican bus. Seat number 2, in case you are wondering.

Oh yeah baby, I can markdown the crap out of my posts even on cellphone, cool right? I mean, not cool cool, but definitely rad, right?

I like free writing, you never know where it will take you. Sometimes you start a post thinking yeah, I'll speak about dolphins and how fat my girlfriend has gotten and then bam,you end up analyzing the social implications and behavioural psychology of the modern euroasian negroid that some Jew predicted will populate Europe in the future. <- I have no idea what this is or means, I'm just trying to sound clever and to prove my point with freewriting.

You see. One of the basic lines you have to follow when freewriting is to not stop. Don't stop to investigate about certain subject or to think of what you are writing makes sense. On the other hand, you have to write about what you know and have experienced, otherwise you'll end up writing complete bullshit or plain lies or, worst case scenario, you'll end up showing your readers you have no idea of what you're talking about,so let's avoid those predictions by these EU dude who made those statements in the 1920's and let's just stick to what I know about:

Interaction. You know what I hate about my Steemit behaviour? I struggle too much with the reply comments feature. Don't get me wrong, I read every comment I get on my posts, that's not the problem, the problem is that 80% of those comments are the real deal, those replies are the shit. We'll thought and meaningful shit you know? The kind of comments you want to reply to. Problem is, I get at least 20 of them on every post, sometimes 5 times that amount. And you know what? The cool part of steemit is all about personal interaction. I don't want to get someone to reply to those comments as if I was an Instagram hot blonde with thousands of followers, I want to be the one replying to each comment I get. But then, reading and replying to 20 we'll thought comments is about 1 hour or work. Which I should have, which I should make time to answer all of them. I mean, Eric what the fuck? You make triple digits on your posts and can't answer those people who take the time to comments on your posts.

Yeah, I know I should. And I think I'm going to make room for that, after all I preach and preach about interaction and how important it is to succeed here.

Believe me, it's not that I don't want to reply. If you've been reading my posts, right now I'm going through some hectic times - hence the twice a week two hour bus drive to the city - but hopefully these days will be over soon. If not, well I think I can use these hours to reply to the comments I get. Deal? Deal.

I miss having adventures

But not those adventures your friends from Facebook write about. You know the kind: OMG, first day at this new pharma job, let the adventure begins! (Add picture of her Starbucks cup in the front scene with the building where she'll spend 60 hours a week as background of the picture). Or those Instagram adventures like: Hell yeah, hiking with my friends this totally impossible trail. It took us 45 minutes with no breaks to take pictures! HASH TAG NoPainNoGain AdventureWithMaBoys HikingEspecialist.

Ok that's pretty presumptuous from me and a bit insulting, but those are not adventures, at least not from for me.

The hard part of having true adventures, is that you get addicted to them and not getting bored with a normal life becomes hard.

After snorkeling with nurse sharks, climbing volcanoes with no tour guide, hitchhiking wherever you go, camping in highways in the middle of nowhere, jumping from cliffs (small) inside canyons, swimming in croc waters, sleeping in wild island full of snakes, camping in private property islands, crashing a park because you got lost in a new city, conning your way to avoid paying for stuff and and dating European girls, you really get sort of addicted to adrenaline.

If you are an police dude, all the previous ilegal things I bragged about are not true and only a naive person would take them as real. If you are a normal person, I was joking about dating European girls, that's not an adrenaline segregator.

The point is, I crave adventure and I need it soon or I'll start doing stupid things to get my fix.

I hope I can get them soon. If you can send good vibes all the way to Mexico do my paperwork is done soon, I would really appreciate it.

This post is proving to be very long and you probably stopped reading so I'm going to make it fun. If your comment includes the word banana I will vote on it with a four percent weight, that will show me you at least read all the way to here, but include it discreetly ok? Ok.

The world cup is coming. I'm excited

As most men, I have an animal side or caveman side. You know, that side that makes us be competitive and engage on pissing contests about pretty much everything; that side that renders us helpless when it comes to prove you are alpha enough to get the girl. That side that makes us like sports sometimes a bit too much.

I'm not a hardcore fan of football (or soccer if you use imperial units) but when it's about the world cup, I think it's safe to agree that most of us become zombified to the idea of your national team measuring dicks with another country's national team, in order to win and to get to measure them again against other team, and so on.

I like the world cup concept and since 2006, I've been wanting to attend one. Not just because of the matches but also because of the cultural exchange that takes place during that month where this sport joins nation's; I want to attend a world cup because I know it will change my worldview and I know I will learn a lot from this sociocultural event. This is more than just a sports tournament, this the biggest mass event.

It's been one hour already since I started writing this. I don't know if there are rules about the time it should take to freewriting but my old man eyes are getting tires of focusing while driving on a bumpy road (thank God 3rd world) so I'm gonna stop.

If you read this, please let me know what you think of the style. Was it hard to keep reading or was it simple to just keep eating the words? I've been told my style is easy and fun to read but that was on my adventure posts, I'm not so sure the style is appealing when I'm just rambling around different topics.

Wow, 1,500 and I can't shut up. I'll stop now. Thanks for reading.

Remember, be here now.

Oh yeah, that's how I used to sign off my posts, I wonder when I stopped and why. I guess I started reading it everywhere and I may have thought I wasn't as cool and hipster as I wanted to be (joke, I wouldn't want to be a hipster even if my sanity depended on it).

According to, this is an 8 minute post but I bet I will get a few "nice post" comments within the first few minutes, meaning they didn't read the post, earning a flag for being spammers. Gosh those spammers.

Anyway, see ya amigos.


Well banana first of all. 😂

I don't watch football much either whether World Cup or not but if my country is playing, I'll be showing support.

Freewrite is awesome. I don't think there is a limit to writing freewrite. I love the way you flowed from one random thought to the other and still maintained coherence. So it was a good one. Not everyone can managed that. But you could time yourself next time, so as to limit the length of your are so bothered.

Stay safe @anomadsoul

Well I wasn't bothered that much, but damn now that I'm reading it there are so many autocorrect mistakes like we'll instead of well haha.

I mean, I think I could freewrite for more time, but Im highly doubtful someone would read 3k words. Not in this economy (lol).

Thanks for the style feedback my friend :)

😂 who would read 3000 words in this economy. Everyone is maximizing their time.

You tried though. I write a lot on my phone and I know how it can be sometimes.

Your posts are pretty fresh and I venture to read them because sometimes I don't know what lol will bring me I know they are long but they always give me a smile. By the way, the banana thing made me laugh a lot. Don't stop writing, we love your post and everything you teach us with them. Greetings from Venezuela @anomadsoul

In fact, it is an adventure to read your post, because there is so much variety in the topics that some people should be interested in, you can start talking about the solar system and end up saying that you stepped on a banana while walking around the city, in this case I am a sports fan and I share with you the interest in following the World Cup games because there are a series of emotions where each team seeks to win in order to maintain the honor of the country they represent, the selection of my country has not yet had the opportunity to be in a World Cup but I hope it will be soon to celebrate in a big way....

Hey bro, De verdad que fue larga tu publicación, pero te imaginas que tuvieras a alguien escribiendo todos tus pensamientos durante 2 horas?. Primero creo que quizás me daría vergüenza (si todos se enteraran de lo que pasa por mi mente) de que sepan son un critico de todo, o peor aún no pienso en nada interesante. En segundo lugar estaría nervioso durante ese periodo intentando que todo lo que esa persona escribiera sea algo interesante como los problemas sociales anunciados hace 50 años por un profeta judío.

De paso, lo larga de la publicación sería hago así:
tu publicación*mi respuesta= larguisimaaaa.

Pero en líneas generales de vez en cuando esta bien escribir lo que se te venga a la mente, total, esto es una red social. Si alguien no le gusta lo que escribes simplemente que siga bajando a la siguiente publicación.
Para la próxima montada en el bus, compra un kilo de banana o de cambur como le decimos en Venezuela, para que comas algo en el camino.
Un abrazo y bendiciones.
Pd: También estoy esperando con mucha expectativa el mundial.

I love your Banana idea. :)

Hahaha I like that you read all of my post!

I wish my English and my writing skill is good enough to write 8 min. LoL

As an amateur writer, enjoy your free style a lot, where you approach different subjects in a very fluid way, without a doubt that I loved, the banana mmm made me open my appetite, no doubt that it provokes at this time of the morning, greetings friend and you can get an adventure full of adrenaline.

Hahaha thanks for reading all the post! And yes, the key I think is to be fluent and to let it flow as it wants, not as you want, let the words write themselves :) @mariam007

Dear friend eric your writings are an adventure, without a doubt that I share with you that feeling of wanting to live an adventure to clear the mind and get away from the office and the monotony that implies, without a doubt that the world cup captures my national team of Football has never been able to be in this tournament but that does not stop me from sitting in the couch turning on the TV and eating a banana while I enjoy that sport that I like so much, I hope to read you soon, greetings @anomadsoul.

@luisveco88 where are you from and who are you rooting for in the world cup?

I'm from Venezuela friend, I feel a certain sympathy for Brazil, since it is a neighboring country and their football is very pleasing to the eye, that is why I will support them in this world :)

That's some freewrite there, one thing about freewrite is straight from the heart. No worrying about much formatting, research and been too correct.

Freewriting about stuffs you know, you will definitely connect with some people that have the same interest who will be like 'uhum uhum'.

About the world cup, it definitely doesn't get more massive with so much fun. I promise i will surely attend a world cup before i die even if it means selling my father's house with the knowledge of others. But i will love an Africa (South Africa...i know), somewhere deep inside Africa where everything is all black and a lot of banana to eat.

You made me 'waste' five minutes (more now, typing this ) of my life on a freewrite but it is worth it.

Thats the dream man, to attend a world cup before dying. I can imagine a world cup being celebrated in Congo or Cote d Ivore, that would be awesome but I think with the South africa world cup so close, its not going to happen soon :(

Lol we don´t waste time, we invest it :P

Hi, I’m from Thailand. I have no idea about World Cup because it’s not my favorite game. By the way, I also like to write while traveling on public transportation too, but for me is by BOAT not BUS ...he he.. as living on an island. Another thing I would like to tell you is... it’s good to have breakfast before traveling by bus, it will help your brain works well for free writting and BANANA is an easy and healthy food for you, especially if you put yogurt, raisins and honey on top! It’s easy and yummy...Just like this ! 😇


@bbkastro oh wow so you write while going on a boat? Talk about being seasick haha I actually want to visit Thailand very soon, I can´t wait to explore South east Asia!! Those bananas look yummie :P

@anomadsoul He he, yes, I write on boat sometimes. Unfortunately I don’t get seasick, just seeing another people sick so don’t really know how they feel.. It’s difficult to write without your own experience, maybe only when somebody puke on you and I hope it will never happen 😂 For sure, there are so many new adventures for you in South East Asia, you will have many topics to write so WELCOME ! and the banana yogurt is super nice ! you must try 😉 ☺️

nice post anemodsoal, I upvote

Lol, so you basically did a free write about free writing as well, cos I actually lost count of the the number of areas you touched in there. Now I'm definitely going to do a free write, looks like something I could do all day.

And yes!!!!..... It's world cup Amigos!!!!!!

P.S. I've been steeming it since forever on my cellphone, "markdowning" the shit out of everyone. 😂😂😂
Beat that

You should try it! Some of the best ideas come when you let your mind wander around all these different topics :D I got like 4 different post ideas just from writing this post lol

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