I just posted my article, I am so tired, I will check my feed later - NO!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Engagement people!

That simple word is the key for us to keep growing here on steemit and to help the platform grow in a healthy way.

I know, I should be blogging about my travels and my pictures, that is what you signed up for when you started following me right? But once in a while I enjoy writing community driven posts, I´ve had some amazing feedback, some people likes my ideas, some are against them but they always generate dialogue and discussion, which is exactly why I write them in such a controversial way. The most comments I´ve had and the most fulfilling discussions I´ve had them when I write about steemit, not about my adventures in Central America.

We look like this when we don´t engage :(

I have some contact with other steemians using that blue social media - don´t judge me, the chat service is way better - and I noticed that we all navigate through steemit, myself included, in a certain way:

Step 1 - You Log in and check performance on your latest posts, insert a smile or a small tear depending on your results.

Step 2 - Check the replies tab but only to see how many responses you got during your absence.

Step 3 - Start writing that piece of magic we had in mind during the day, it is going to be an awesome story, you tell yourself. And then you click publish.

A lot of you - yes, I stopped speaking in us terms, now it is you, sorry - will stop here. Your steemit day is over. You only care about yourself and that what you publish gets a good response. But gladly, you are not the norm, most of you will go through step 4.

Step 4 - After publishing you go through your latest blog posts and reply to all of those amazing comments people left for you. I mean, they took the time to read your article, upvote it and also leave a small phrase - or a long paragraph if you are lucky - so you can at least answer them right?

Step 5 - If you really liked the comment they left on your article you will visit their blog to comment or upvote some of their posts and maybe even follow them, it all depends on how you roll.

Yesss, this is good, you are a good Steemian and you should be proud of it. You could do more but hey, at least you are engaging and growing in the community, people are used to get replies when they comment you thus they leave more replies in your content and so on. If you don´t go through the final steps it is ok, I wont judge you, you piece of selfish steemian - just kidding hehe -

Step 6 - You already posted your piece, replied to the comments on your latest posts, went through other profiles. What else you can do? Exactly, you have a feed my friend. A feed composed of those very same authors you liked a while ago, don´t forget about them, share the love - or that SP at 94% - and navigate your feed. I mean, you enjoyed their content at some point, why not give it a try now, you might like something!

Step 7 - You are a hardcore steemian, after checking your feed you go through your favorite tags in search of hidden gems and valuable content to add to you collection. Yess, you are a stellar steemian now! Giving upvote and follows where it is deserved.

Now imagine if we all did this same step by step list but BACKWARDS.

I decided I am following my own advice this starting today - because honestly, I am selfish and I shouldn´t be that way -. And don´t say I have a life you know or I am busy, I have a things to do and people to be with. If you have time to post, you have time to engage my dear friend and if you disagree with that well, maybe that blue social media fits you better, where a thumb is more than enough and you don´t get rewarded for your content. 

Let me be more specific. 

Instead of taking care of ourselves, imagine we all as a community started our steemday by going through our favorite tags and searching for nice content, maybe for five minutes, I am not asking for much. After that you could go through your feed, after all they are the ones that you already like their content and most of them already follow you, they are the ones that upvote your content right? Then it is time to answer and engage with your previous content, with the ones that went ahead and commented on your pieces. 

After that, and only after doing all that, you deserve to post your newest and greatest content. It is your prize after engaging so positively with your community. And then, only then, you can check upon your post performance, I am sure it will always draw a smile in your face.

I am not telling you what to do, I am not judging you - well maybe a little - and I am not trying to make you feel guilty, because to be honest, that step by step is how most of us roll (or at least those who I spoke to) and there is nothing wrong with that, but... 

...Imagine the rewards for everyone if we engaged before posting, instead of posting and then engaging.

Thank you @chiefmappster for introducing me to this phrase.

If you like this idea, spread it, Resteem it or write your own version of this post, I don´t mind mates.

You see, I told you I like to write controversialy

Sources 1 2 3


Once again good point! Steemit is so much more than writing post, it's all about the community, and I think If you are not posting something that day, then the least you can do is to read your feed, go through your favorite tags and leave a comment

It wasn´t me, it was you who said it, it is all about community. I am so glad to see you are learning so much so fast! You must be reading someone very inteligent! (hahaha ;) )

Hahaha maybe

Very very cool post. You know what I also do? I type the usernames of my favorite steemians directly into my browser. I love to visit @afrog @arthuradamson @aksinya @aeryn @uwelang and see what they are up too. If I have a bad day I will go to @jankasparec. His art is pure magic. I love to ad more and more people to my visitation list. Like you for example. I feel like this is a good way to get awesome content for the day. Not all of them post daily but I try to keep up.

"Team work makes the dream work!" Love it brother! Nice! Hope your day is awesome!

Steal that phrase and share it everywhere ma mate! hahaha

Make friends. Make connections!

Well Frac'n Said!

By all means, I accept!! Hahahaha

Great. I'll put you in the next compilation. No one will notice. :D

Slips a piece of paper with the legend "Good for $5 steem upon cashing"

XD too funny.

I have to admit...I am sometimes guilty of that! Although the last two weeks I haven't had much time for writing of my own, so the time I have spent on here has been reading, commenting, upvoting, and resteeming. It's kind of a relief! You don't have the anxiety of seeing the tear (in my case!) when you check back on your hard work and see you've only had five views. Great reminder that when I don't have much time, I should spend it on the work of others rather than on myself.

We are all guilty sometimes! But the key here is with what mentality you log into steemit everyday right? Hahaha seeing the tear :( I am following you now, let´s try changing that to a smile! Yesss, when you stop being self centered great things happen around you, or maybe they are already happening, you just don´t realize it cause you are looking at yourself in the mirror :D

Very wise...when you are being self-centered great things are happen around you. I'm totally going to use that with my high schoolers this year! Thanks for the follow and the smile already! I enjoy the conversation back and forth more than writing the articles themselves.

I need more work on step 7, and I think that is a crucial step to build followers

I think it is the most important of all! Most of your votes comes from tags used, you would think it is from followers but that is not the case anymore since HF19 Ive seen a lot of lowered interaction and voting from followers and growth with nonfollowers... it is strange huh, maybe it is not the general rule though.

i followed, follow back and upvote

No no my friend, that is not how it works... try to engage in meaningful discussions her in the comment section. I know you are new so I won´t flag, but spamming the same comment everywhere will get you nowhere. You are probably never going to read this though.

Hahaha, of course there'd be one of these comments on a post like this.

I am seriously thinking about becoming a flagger but that would hurt so much the people i like :(

I know, I can't bear to flag either. :( Shweeee!

I agree, I use steemit the way I used to use facebook. (I know I know, we dont mention the F word) I log on to the feed various times a day and try to make sure that I have seen all that I follow. If I have time I check out the new tab too.

Hahahaha the F word! To the dungeons!! Hahahaa

I don't think you're controversial @anomadsoul, you're just not being the typical selfish westerner. ;-)

I always dive right into the replies section, first thing. Then I'll glance at my previous posts, and head straight for my feed. After I get done there, reading, commenting & upvoting about 8-10 hours deep, I'll check the new posts.

I get my best ideas for posts from everyone else.

I got here by following your post about not posting about having 1,000 followers and have started following you @jetblake and @dreemit as a result.

Most people just ignore the "engagement" aspect of Steemit and that's like ignoring the meat in BBQ.

I read your username in a very dangerous different way hahaha
I think you are mostly right, altough I am mexican and I am seeing this behaviour not so notorious among hispanic people, we are all here for the money in some level, but it desont mean it has to drive our actions right? That is the difference.

Dreemit is awesome, I love her she is one of the first people I met here. I will check out jetblake and for yourself, you got a new follower my friend.

Damn, who would be stupid enough to miss the meat!! hahaha

Damn, who would be stupid enough to miss the meat

Vegans. ;-)

Muricans are suffering from having too much for too long without having to work for it. I think I'm lucky only being 2nd generation, I've outgrown the idea that anyone owes me anything.

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