营养美味的西兰花🥦 炒年糕 Nutrition delicious broccoli 🥦 Fried rice cakes

in #cn4 years ago (edited)


昨个我在盆友圈⭕️ 发了张我做的新菜,本想只是好玩得瑟下,也是分享嘛(´-ω-`)因为第一次做口感不错~ 味道还非常棒呢!熊孩纸吃的最多😅 没想到反应还不错呢!很多亲们都来围观点赞了🤭



西兰花🥦因为营养丰富,搭配很多菜食用也非常好吃,做法非常多,所以有很多fans~ 我家人就都蛮喜欢吃西兰花,餐桌上隔三差五就会出现


而且它在医学界,常被认为对大脑的营养补充起到很好的作用,重点还可以抗衰老,防止皮肤干燥,是一种非常好的美容佳品呢!!这个对我们女人👩 而言是非常需要的佳肴美食啊!特别是现在秋冬季节皮肤更需要的保健

不仅如此,西兰花🥦 还能增强肝脏的解毒功能,常食可提高人体的机能免疫力,总之,西兰花🥦 (花椰菜)的好处多多啦

年糕是中华食文化,它蕴藏了中华民族千年来的文化积淀,年糕特别在重要节假日里几乎都会看到的美食,因为它有个美好的寓意,岁岁为人们带来新的希望,寓意万事如意年年高!在过节时吃年糕,营养节节高, 事业节节高啊!


年糕的选材也很重要,要买到正宗口感好的年糕,我这是淘宝网上买的,宁波汤圆年糕都是很出名的,我这个听说是现做现卖的就淘了10斤/1份,收到后一打开,米香扑鼻而来啊... 看样子很不错

我一边切成薄片一边流口水鸭🤤 😅 全部切好薄片后放冰箱冷冻起来,吃多少再取多少就好

再来分享西兰花🥦 炒年糕的做法

  • 首先年糕要放清水里浸泡解冻下,如果是刚买来的也要用水浸泡下,这样烹制时方便
  • 预先备着切好的大蒜子和小米椒适量(喜欢吃肉的也可切点精肉咯!现在肉贵的死我就省着不用也好吃的😂 )
  • 西兰花洗净用剪刀✂️ 剪成细小块备用
  • 热锅倒入适量食用油烧热倒入西兰花炒软出锅备用
  • 再倒入食用油烧热爆香大蒜子和小米椒
  • 再倒入备好的年糕片一起翻炒片刻,加入点开水继续翻炒,炒软年糕片
  • 接着倒入事先炒好的西兰花一起翻炒下
  • 加入生抽/适量食盐/耗油,翻炒片刻再加点胡椒粉提鲜
  • 翻炒下下就可出锅装盘开吃了^ω^

当当当当~ 这盘西兰花炒年糕颜值不错吧!✨ 🤩 看我盆友圈图片就知道了哈🤭



Yesterday a in my circle of friends ⭕ ️ sent a new dishes, I do this just want to fun show off in an ostentatious manner, and share it (´ - omega - `) for the first time doing taste good ~ smell is very good! Bear a child to eat the most 😅 didn't expect a good response! Many dear friends have to view around the 🤭

It seems that the food is very successful 😎

A few months ago I had to share a "health broccoli sparerib soup" post, this time again to share with broccoli rice cake (⑉ ° з °) - ♡

Broccoli 🥦 because nutrition is rich, with a lot of food to eat is also very good, is very much, so there are a lot of fans ~ all my family like to eat broccoli, table regularly will appear

So often eat broccoli 🥦 under here again the benefits of science! It can maintain the balance of teeth and bone growth, but also protect eyesight, improve memory! This is a very good supplement for children's development and the elderly...

And it is in medical profession, often be thought to have very good effect to cerebrum nutrition complement, key still can fight consenescence, prevent skin to dry, it is a kind of very good hairdressing good article!! This is a very need for our woman 👩 delicacy delicious food! Especially now autumn and winter season skin more need health care

Not only that, broccoli 🥦 also can enhance liver detoxification function, often feed can improve the function of human body immunity, in short, broccoli 🥦 (broccoli) a lot of good

New Year cake is the Chinese food culture, it contains the cultural accumulation of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, especially in the important holidays can almost see the food, because it has a good moral, year after year for people to bring new hope, meaning good luck every year! Eat New Year cake during the festival, nutrition successively high, successively high business ah!

Rice cake it rich in carbohydrates, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients, the main nutritional value is carbohydrates, because carbohydrate is the main source of calories a day, rice cakes produced through special process, the palate is soft, more easily absorbed, especially in today's food variety and reasonable health food collocation, the delicious rice cakes made more give prize

I bought it on taobao.com. Ningbo tangyuan rice cake is very famous. I heard that it was made and sold now. It looks good

My mouth is watering as he sliced duck 🤤 😅 all good slices after the refrigerator to freeze, it is good to eat how much to take how much

To share the practice of broccoli 🥦 Fried rice cakes

  • first of all, the rice cake should be soaked in water to defrost, if it is just bought to soak in water, so that it is convenient to cook
  • prepare some chopped garlic and millet pepper in advance. Now I will saving without meat your death also delicious 😂)
  • wash broccoli with scissors ✂ ️ cut into small pieces. Set aside
  • heat up a skillet with some cooking oil, add broccoli and saute until soft
  • add cooking oil and heat up fragrant garlic and millet pepper
  • then pour in the prepared rice cake slices and stir fry for a while. Add some boiled water and stir fry until soft
  • then add the broccoli and stir fry
  • add soy sauce/salt/oil, stir fry for a while and add pepper to taste
  • stir fry a little can be out of the pan to eat ^ ohm ^

Dangdang ~ this dish of broccoli Fried rice cake looks good! ✨ 🤩 see my circle of friends to know ha 🤭 picture

But friendship prompt: abnormal blood glucose fluctuations of friends eating rice cakes at ordinary times, because of the high glycemic index comparison, in addition, rice cakes can't eat too much at a time, because rice cakes high starch content, not easy to digest, can stimulate gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, eat more likely the phenomenon of acid regurgitation, not healthy ha 🧡

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希望咱们的缘分从这开始...欢迎很好的你一起分享一起交流喔~😚 😘

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Write it in english please

Ok, I'll catch up on the English part

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I have written the supplement in English. Thank you for your reminding☺️

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partiko通知又坏了 收不到
大厨不敢当了... 😅我自己瞎想瞎琢磨怎弄好吃(「・ω・)「嘿

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年糕我只會蒸著吃, 下次可以學你用炒得來吃看看.


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