Teach your children to think critically ........ PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

I am rather sure of the fact the some of the kids in my class (especially the big ones) want to throw up if I start my speech on thinking for ourselves, not waiting to be spoonfed, doing extra work even if the teacher did not say so blah blah blah


image source

I am quite certain only a few of them listens to me, but I am getting the idea that a lot of kids and their parents are still stuck in an era where they are only worried about what the teacher or the book says and going through life without figuring things out, thinking further than what their noses are long and feeling comfortable in asking questions, making mistakes and learning as they go along.

So I am asking you as parents, having the important job of raising a child.....PLEASE TEACH YOUR CHILD TO THINK CRYTICALLY....

What is crytical thinking?

These are different skills that we have to solve problems and figure things out.  It is the ability to evaluate a situation or information and decide if it is right or wrong.  It also means you are open minded and can look at something from different angles.

For children to get good at thinking, they must believe that thinking is fun and there is a whole world waiting to be discovered.  Good thinkers practice it in the same way they practice sport and parents can use different situations to trigger thinking.  (It is difficult for parents to teach their children to think for themselves is they themselves are not open minded, or believe in learning through mistakes but rather expect perfect little soldiers).  

There are three ways in which children typically think

How can I help my kids to think critically?

  • let them be comfortable in asking questions (there is no such thing as a stupid question).  Make them realize that through asking questions and making mistakes they will learn
  • teach your child to make sure that something is accurate by researching the facts
  • help children to stay on topic and ask question on the related topic, by linking certain questions to a specific topic
  • help your child to explain how they came to a certain conclusion or why they made a specific decision on something
  • set expectations that is fair to your child (do not expect miracles....we are all just human)

Children (and adults) can benefit from thinking critically.  Here are some ways to improve this skill


The best way to teach kids this is by example, not teaching. If parents discuss things between themselves, while the children are present, the children will start thinking too. For example, talk over dinner about homelessness, and question why, with so many vacant buildings, no one is turning them into affordable housing. If the kid is only 4, he/she will learn a bit about thinking outside the box just by hearing such conversations.

Sadly, if the parents lack the ability to think critically, they can't teach their kids through example, or through watching videos on how it's done. They have to learn themselves, and only then can they teach others.

I heard this too. Apparently this is how wealthy families stay wealthy through the generations. At dinner they discuss things like employees who are stealing from them and how they are going to deal with it, etc.

Also I think traditionally parents would take their kids with them to their jobs and teach them there. That is better.

Well said - I agree totally - it is just strange to me that some parents still think that kids only learn things at school

We are taught the opposite in school. I am so grateful for having attended an excellent private school in Washington DC and Harvard College where I got a true liberal arts education.

I just do not understand why parents and teachers still want to put kids in little boxes

Very valid information my friend. I encouraged my children to talk back, when my idea rubbed them the wrong way. Told them I needed their help too, as our time together was a joint effort and their opinions counted.
I question everything, including myself to get several different views on any important topic and try to avoid mundane topics.
Thanks for posting :-)

Thank you - we raised our daughter in the same way - you can always have an opinion -

Some times I had to concede, they were more on the ball than me.
Served me right for trying to be an adult, It doesn't happen anymore LOL

hahahaha I have no problem with admitting if kids know more than me, expecially certain issues, they will maybe have more knowledge but we have more experience, which trump it all

ya,...i too agree with you!!

Thank you

If children would read more books and stop sitting behind computer games etc. their thinking skills, and a lot of other skills will automatically start to develop since with these games they just "do" they don't need to think. Yes you do have strategy games but those are not the type of games that children want to play.

Exactly - kids are being raised in a total different era and so many parents are just happy if the child is quiet

This is REALLY something that more parents need to read!!!!!!!

Thank you - o believe me I agree fully - some parents are just stuck in the "do as you told" era . Yes discipline is good but thinking has nothing to do with discipline

that is SOOOO true!

Really interesting text! Our education system is really confusing and doesn't create the effects that it should. I was reading this article here: https://steemit.com/freedom/@thomasmmaker/article-a-thought-about-freedom-and-education-03
I think it might complements what you have said! :D

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