RE: No Room for Philosophy in A Modern Free World? 🤔
In the past, the world was more structural, everyone had their place in society. The dream of Modernism was to find structures that could by themselves improve human beings and their conglomerates indefinitely. After World War II, though, that dream faded away. Since then, the belief in structures has decreased drastically. Nothing is certain anymore. And, as a consequence, we have been experiencing more and more freedom for the individual with no particular interest in preparing them for this kind of freedom. In other words, if until recently we gave orders to the teenager and thought it was for their best interest, nowadays we free the child without even thinking about the possible consequences.
Our society is ideal for adults. It's destructive for teenagers and immoral for kids.
People don't reflect upon life anymore because they are free to do whatever they want to before they learn what freedom really means. As a social libertarian, I believe we must seek freedom. But let's not delude ourselves: not everyone is prepared for it. Society is becoming more and more shallow because we are letting "kids" decide matters as if they were adults. They don't have a chance to mature. Before thinking deeply and efficiently, one has to go through some years of maturation for the mind to finally blossom. It's like speech: before we can create art using language (acting, writing etc), we have to spend years imitating those around us that already know how to use language.
What happens to children that, for some reason, never get the chance to hear people speaking and writing and imitate them? They grow mute.
We are a society of mute minds.
True, modernism really screwed up the thoughts of man. A good example is the modern educational systems around the world, kids are taught to take tests and not to think critically.
I also agree that freedom is something to be sought, but the question is how do you wield freedom as a blessing and not a curse.