How To Heal the World

in #spirituality6 years ago

If we look around with all our eyes open, we will see that HEALING is taking place everywhere.
The Truth is out, and Truth is Healing. There is more Honesty, and Honesty is healing. All the information is here - recipes, things to avoid, medicinal tonics and sacred plants, all sorts of energy healing, cosmic guidance is more available than ever. These days we have access to what was forbidden and hidden from humanity for centuries.
The system is losing its grip on humanity, the Heart Consciousness is winning. Healing is no longer a miracle, but a choice to make.

We have all we need to unplug from the old world paradigm, we have the tools to come out of our mind and find our Heart, and what is more healing than that. It is just a matter of choice, and, it seems like - a matter of courage.

We can continue watching TeLieVision, consuming chemicalized foods, engaging in collective programming and keep fighting for our limitations, defending the crumbling paradigm with everything we have…. OR..... we can put our thinking hat on, show up for our true Self and head towards a global HEALING.


I wish to share with you what I have learned from my own healing. Healing zone has been my home, my school, my field, my curse and blessing... for decades.

After being vaccinated at very young age, I ended up with wracked immunity and had to live through years of struggle and living hell. Constant fevers and aches, sudden faintings, endless allergic reactions, no energy whatsoever. Some days all I could do was breathe. The system and me - we never got along. I refused medications and chemo. I refused to give myself to the hands of Big pHarma. I refused to eat the food created by the crafty food industry. I remember how I crawled out of London Hospital where I was taken for emergency, they asked me to sign papers: that if I die - it is my responsibility, not theirs. That was a good lesson indeed. That is when I fully realized that my health was my responsibility ONLY, just like your health is yours, my love. I would not wish any of my past life experiences upon anyone and have a lot of compassion to all those who get a glimpse of this sad side of life.
The numerous researches, the endless self-experimenting, the never ending hunting for the right knowledge (and clean food) that helped me heal.... finally all that makes sense.
Last few years I have been sharing these insights with people like you, hoping to save you time and troubles and to INSPIRE you.


What did I learn from being sick and nearly dead:

  • Everything we were conditioned to think is absolute nonsense.
    The sooner we open our minds to miracles and non-logical events - the sooner we will HEAL. In short, one has to change the operative mode - from left brain hemisphere into the right one. That connects us to our Heart, and from there - everything is possible. Not everything can / need to be explained or proven. Sometimes our own life becomes the best proof and evidence there is.

  • Truth can only be experienced. It cannot be borrowed from a book, or someone else's mind, no matter how brilliant. We cannot Google truth either. We have to find it on our own and get the EXPERIENCE of it.


  • Healing starts with silence. There is no healing in this maddening noise.
    Trust a single moment of meaningful silence more than a million of words.

  • Show Up for Your Self!
    When we wish to heal, we are often presented with the biggest challenge of all - creating loving, harmonious and supporting environment. Tolerating abuse ( verbal, energetic, or physical), feeding parasitic consciousness (still a lot of that here), lack of self-honesty and respect does not support HEALING. Showing Up for our Self does!

  • Each meal is a statement. Every time we eat - we are communicating to every cell of our being, sending messages to our original blueprint. ”Let your food become your medicine.”

  • CONNECTION is everything.
    Honoring our own connection to the Source usually attracts like-hearted and like-minded others, who have the same connection. Those connections are a soul medicine. There is so much healing in that - acceptance and unconditional love are no longer the bla-bla, they become reality that heals everything.

  • When we take full responsibility for our own VIBRATION - we change the game!
    When we begin to view our challenges as invitations to expand rather than life hardships - we are on the road to Healing.


  • GRATITUDE is a shortcut to healing.
    Cultivating gratitude activates our Heart and reminds us of a bigger picture and values of life.

We can all HEAL, darlings! Our self healing is our greatest responsibility.

And when we heal our Self - we heal the world!
One person at a time... one mind at a time... one Heart at a time.

with love and respect,
Anna. Health/Yoga Educator. Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.



I am glad to hear that you managed to turn your unlucky circumstances into working on yourself and that made you person you are today.
Thanks for post and stay positive, because positivity changes the world. 🌍

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