The situation in Spain because of the coronavirus

in #coronavirus4 years ago

The situation in Spain due to the Coronavirus is still quite bad, it seemed that both the maximum peak of infections and deaths had passed, but it seems that it is rebounding again. So the containment is being extended several times (logically).

According to data published by the Health Department this morning, very sadly, the number of people infected by Covid-19 in Spain is 146,690 and the number of deaths is now over 14,555.
48,021 people have been cured of the virus.

Spain is currently the second country in the world with the most infections, after the United States and followed by Italy. We hope that all this will soon be stopped in Spain and in all the places in the world where people are suffering :( .

We have been in a state of alarm and confinement for over three weeks, (you can only go out to buy food and basic necessities, and go to work if your job is considered essential (supermarket workers, health care, essential services in banks, etc)). At the moment, it has been confirmed that it will be extended until April 26, but they already say that it will also be extended at least until May 15.

The truth is that this whole situation will affect the Spanish economy a lot. All the self-employed who cannot continue their activity and all those workers who cannot carry out their work by teleworking, and whose work is not considered essential, are already affected. Unemployment is increasing a lot, besides ERTEs, it is temporary unemployment that ends when this situation ends.

In this graph, published by the Ministry of Labour, Migrations and Social Security, we can see the great increase of unemployment in Spain in March due to the state of alarm and the confinement due to the virus. Also taking into account that these data do not include the ERTE (temporary unemployment).

Let's hope that all this ends as soon as possible.
Many encouragements to people who may be suffering or have loved ones suffering from it.


hi @blocktrades.
I have seen this transfer of steems from my account to your account and I did not make it. Do you know anything about this? If it is a mistake, could you send me my money back?

Hola Anna, sabes que la mayoria de gente a migrado a hive blockchain, no?

la veritat és que he estat out un temps i vaig una mica perduda.. una amiga m'explicarà millor :)

estic mirant el link jeje

hace 1 hora Transfer 46.799 HIVE to fillin
hace 7 días Transfer 46.774 HIVE to fillin
hace 11 días Transfer 2.281 HBD to fillin
hace 11 días Transfer 108.820 HIVE to fillin

Això saps que pot ser??? Em surt al moneder tant de HIVE com de STEEM, feia temps que no mirava..

hace 1 hora Transfer 46.778 STEEM to fillin
hace 7 días Transfer 46.774 STEEM to fillin
hace 10 días Transfer 0.003 SBD to fillin
hace 11 días Transfer 2.065 STEEM to funkymunky20000
hace 11 días Paid 0.418 SBD for 2.065 STEEM
hace 11 días Transfer 115.219 STEEM to funkymunky20000
hace 28 días Transfer 944.490 STEEM to blocktrades a0e33a3a-9ae4-4e63-a24a-ad954c178607

pinta que m'han hackejat o alguna cosa...xd

Doncs si, si no els coneixes de res possiblement s'han fet amb les teves claus privades...envials un missatge primer a veure que et diuen... un es espanyol.
Si no aconsegueixes res llavors hauras de cambiar els passawords tant a steem com a hive

no els conec no, veig que m'han tret tot... vaig canviar les contrasenyes ahir, aviam ara

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