The Moon of melting snow

in #writing5 years ago


Very short introduction. We didn’t live in the countryside all our life. It passed nine years since we have left our apartments in Kiev and moved into the house in the countryside. There were several reasons for this. One of them was that we've decided to organize our animal shelter. Since we live in the countryside we started to pay more attention to the natural flow of life. Now we try to catch nature's laws and live in accordance with them. It is no doubt that the Moon influences your life. Especially we feel it in the sphere of our health. But it's periods of new-moon also symbolize different periods in the life of nature. I'll try to tell you about them and maybe it'll help you to improve the quality of your life.


The period of the Moon of melting snow starts this year on the 6th of March (6th of March is new-moon). In our (and possible in your also) country March usually is the month of melting snows. Although this year was an exception. Small islands of snow are present only in the forest. If this warming continues, I may have to make changes to my recommendations.


The nature of snow is that it covers many different things so we don't see them and don't think about them. But when the snow melts it nakes everything that was hidden underneath. We can say the same about any sphere of our life.


We usually talk about this before the New year, but the transition from winter to spring, the melting of snow, is also a very favorable period to get rid of that which is superfluous. It should be understood that any unfinished action, unfinished plan or unfinished situation remains with us, regardless of whether we attach importance to this. And we spend energy on it because somehow we keep it in our memory. But as soon as we complete it or completely abandon any plan, or we throw away an unnecessary thing, it leaves our operational memory and stops stealing our energy.


So it is a good time now to return to these things and think which of them you still need in you live and which of them are already unwanted. It is the best time for cleaning of all spheres of life.

Clean your house! Wash all winter clothes and pack them until the next winter. Change curtains for more light and bright. Throw out all trash.


Clean your body and mind also. It is a grating period to say "goodbye" to overweight. Let your food be more light and simple. Try to eat more plants. Bad habits are also unwanted. Be polite to yourself and let them leave your life. Say them: "Good-bye. I don't expect you back"! It is also a good period for cleaning interpersonal relations. Try to forgive old offenses, let your negative experiences to go away.


If you practice rituals, I can offer you a few from my notebook.
First, it is a rite with snow. Choose a place where you will not return until the snow has melted. Start making a snowball and ask the snow to pick up something (problem, excess weight, illness, bad habit, offense etc.). After that, leave without looking around.


Unsent letter.
This technique is often used when we have mixed feelings towards some kind of person: claims, unfinished conflicts, but at the same time, there is a feeling of gratitude or some kind of joy towards this person.
So we start writing a letter. It will begin with the most unpleasant part, with claims and your offenses. You write everything that you wanted to say to this man, to reproach him.
In the second part of the letter, you write something for which you are grateful for this person.
These letters are called not sent, because we do not send them, except when such a letter contains only gratitude, but now we are not talking about such a situation.
Upon completion, the letter must be burned. It is believed that with the smoke all negative, bad and evil will go away, and the wind will bring all the good that you wrote in this letter.


The melting snow also feeds the ground with water and creates good conditions for plants to grow up. So this period is very conducive for the creation of a base for our future projects: not active steps but some preparations. It is good to draw a schedule; to think about people, who can help you etc. Maybe new knowledge is necessary for the successful realization of your plans? You may read the necessary books or visit special seminars or lecturers. Maybe you want to change your image? Think about what you need to do for that.


It is also necessary to remember that March is only the first spring month. So you need to be attentive to your health! Don't be cold! Think well about your clothes when you go out - the weather may be changeable! I hope this simple advises will help you to do your next month more effective!




The melting of snow, is also a very favorable period to get rid of that which is superfluous.

This is beautiful, I kind of wish we have snow here! (I live in a tropical country.)

I loved your unsent letter technique, though I may find it challenging as I tend to blurt out and say exactly what I think. Heart-in-sleeves kinda girl. The next time I have cumbersome thoughts, I'd try and do this, and maybe save some relationships along the way! :)

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