Are You Guys 'Sick' of My 'Sick' Blogs Yet...???

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, yeah...I know... most of you people wish I would return to posting only once in awhile like I used to, because I've been clogging up your 'Feed' page.

But, y'all gotta give this old, retired guy a break...what the hell else do you expect me to do with all this free time I have on my hands; watch porn all day long and get frustrated???

Besides... my neighborhood is a bit too dangerous to go out strolling and whistling down the road like I was Mr. Rogers? Believe me... if you came to where I live, you wouldn't be singing, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

You have to take the 'neighbor' out of the word and just leave 'hood' to simply describe this place... It isn't as bad as Detroit, Philadelphia or Baltimore, but you can get killed here fairly easy. Even my old work truck got shot three times not very long ago. It took one in the side-view mirror, one in the passenger side door and a front tire...

The Van didn't die, but it was a pain in the ass replacing that mirror and front tire. Another concern I had was wondering if it was 'personal' a random act of stupid or ole Henry just got caught in a crossfire? (I always name my trucks)

Turns out, it was a caught in the crossfire type thing; according to witnesses. Seems some fat guy was chasing after a skinny guy who ducked behind my truck for cover... Of course no one told the cops anything, but they told me; that's the way things work in the Hood...

Anyway... I'm kind of happy that I wasn't sitting in the truck at the time; I might have had to go Rambo on the bastards.

Well, friends...That's all I have for now (Fortunately for you)

I'm outta here.


Another Repulsively, Rambling Rant from the Mind of @AngryMan on Steemit, March 11, 2019 

Rambo Image

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Lol I would like to see you go Rambo on the hoods.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ha...I've been told that my 'voice' sounds like Sylvester Stallone.

Well then it would be a good show watching you go Rambo :)

Posted using Partiko Android

...if you're watching porn and you're frustrated- you're doing it all wrong, matey..

lol...Frustrated from seeing all those hot young bodies, with none of them here begging for my attention...

Show 200 BTC in yer wallet, and you'll have plenty of 'em 'wanting your attention'...tis the way of things....

You got 'that' right, brother. We 'pay' one way or the other, might as well just be straight forward from the start by asking, "How much?"

...there's a reason I chose the adult industry as a business - it's honest!

(and for every old guy that says 'so what?'about boobs, there's another one at the other end saying 'oh, nice boobs, I've never noticed them before..)

...but I've pretty much got out of it now - I can't be bothered anymore!
Shiiiiiit....I'm getting old...

You don't clog up my feed page babe, there's only you. I've unfollowed everyone else;)

Whoops...I meant to vote you up with a 100% for that titillating little note my sweet... but. my slider got stuck at 50% .

I shall certainly make it up to you in the near future :>)

Fret not m'dear, for though votes are a thing of beauty, comments are a joy forever........and besides I think I've clocked up enough votes from you now to last at least 2 weeks;)

Fret not m'dear, for though votes are a thing of beauty, comments are a joy forever........

Hmmnnnnnn.... A thought worth pondering...

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