
Let's make something abundantly clear here (if you really are Angelina Jolie), the stories against Assad and the framing of him is all part of a larger agenda to take Syria and the oil as well as it's strategic location just like was done like the savage destruction of Libya. The CIA-Mossad-MI6 backed ISIS campaign has been a destabilization ploy from the West all along and the dead babies propaganda you and the Main Stream Media have been peddling is as real as the "They killed the babies in the incubators" testimony from Nayirah al-Sabah (daughter of the Kuwati ambassador to the US) during the Iraq war... Don't remember this one? Here's a reminder:

And while we're at it, let's talk some more about the unimaginable death and destruction visited upon Libya by the West and how many men, women, children (and babies) have had their lives destroyed by the dirty tricks played there the same as they are being played out in Syria for the larger agenda of taking the Syrian territory.

You can only dream to be treated by your government the way the Libyans were treated:

  • A home was considered a human right (provided by the government with oil money)
  • Education and healthcare were free (the government would send you anywhere in the world for it)
  • They were greening the desert with massive aquifers (until the aquifers were targeted with depleted uranium so they can never be used again - a true war crime)
  • Farms were given away to people and they were trained as farmers if they wanted to be one
  • Electricity was free and gasoline was practically free
  • Literacy was increased dramatically from 25% to 87% and massive numbers of people got college degrees for free

And because Libya wanted to keep their oil profits and were creating a gold-backed currency that threatened the Petrodollar / Euro western control of oil, they destroyed the lives of millions of innocent people (and yes, including babies). This exact same propaganda and BS that was used against Muammar Gaddafi is now being used against Bashar al-Assad. Total BS and brainwashing created and disseminated by dupes, shills, and disinformation agents so as to remove a non-Western controlled leader that wants to keep their sovereign nation.

Oh, what a wicked web is being weaved here. These sick and satanic lies are being used to play on people's emotions for supposed innocent babies being killed, when in fact, it's a genocide of the Syrian people by the West that is actually in the works.

Thanks for the support in calling out this type of deadly propaganda

How about you STOP promoting the agenda driven propaganda of the US war machine? Every word of this is BULLSHIT, created by the media and their commanders to give the US a reason to blow up Syria and take out the duly ELECTED leader Assad.
Only a moron would believe the lies that have been perpetrated globally by the US war machine, CIA Black Ops and the lying media.

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We should all stand for syria , we should raise our voice for syrian childrens

Please tag this NSFW. People should be warned that there are graphic images of dead babies.

(edit post, then change a tag to NSFW)

I can't believe innocent children are being killed like flies. Which countries are these weapons coming from? Is money changing hands as the weapons are acquired? Lots of peace and "prosperity" in the weapons source countries? We live in a twisted, deranged world- that's all I can say.

what countries are these weapons coming from? THE USA. They have admitted this publicly several times in the past decade.

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Likely the US, UK, and Israel (read CIA, MI6, & Mossad to be more precise) since they are the ones running ISIS behind the scenes.

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