First 2 Days of my 365 day experiment

in #life8 years ago

As you may recall I decided to take a year and live like it was the last one I had. Some of this was inspired by all of the end of the world, last man on earth shows out there and the other part was because I have lost friends and family suddenly over the last ten years and we just don't know what life has in store for us. Funds have been a little tight lately so I am starting out with small pleasures and experiences. If the powerball drops into my lap, I will do the hopping on the plane to tour the world scenario that you see in movies:) For now intentionally adding simple pleasures and experiences to each day is fine.

Anyway, here are the little things that I have done in the last two days that were outside my norm.

  1. Yesterday I took a 20 minute break from work and played cards with my best friend. He and I ranted and raved and tried to catch the other one cheating. It was a blast and a welcome break, as I had three projects that needed to be done asap drop into my lap. I managed to play and get everything done.

I then went out for drinks with my cousin. Typically I spend all day working on the computer and then binge watch tv until I fall asleep. It was great to see her and the place we ended up going to had a piano player and great ambiance. I had had the thought that I would like to socialize more and poof the invitation to go out came. It was a lovely unexpected pleasure and a great chance to catch up and make a memory.

  1. Today started out with a one hour meditation via Skype with my other best friend. I was floating by the end of it.
    I then took the time to get in a workout on the iGallop the weirdest and most fun piece of exercise equipment that I have ever used.

I then got back to work and figured out how to use some of my software programs in new ways. This saved me money on another piece of software that I thought I needed but did not want to spend the money on. I am one of those geeky girls that gets tremendous pleasure out of playing with software, so this was more play than work.

I also discovered some new ways to take notes for a course that I have been asked to teach. It has made the whole process easier.

Finally I played catch with my dog and then watched America's got talent while sipping a nice glass of wine and eating some yummy dark chocolate.

I am enjoying allowing myself these little pleasures in my day. I think tomorrow I may go blow bubbles in the park for a half hour on my break. Mix it up a bit.

It would be cool if some of you wrote in with some of the little thing you do to add a bit of pleasure to your lives. (Keep it clean please)

  • Caterina

Great article - I always think that people should live life as they want and not get tied down by too many menial tasks.

I enjoy a bit of online gaming, even when I have too much to do - it's nice to just teak that break :)

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