Such a strange state before graduation, as in 11th grade, when you do not know what to do next with your life

in GEMS4 years ago

Such a strange state before graduation, as in 11th grade, when you do not know what to do next with your life

Before me is a world with a lot of opportunities, but I just don’t know which one to choose

Такое странное состояние перед окончанием института, как в 11 классе, когда не знаешь что дальше делать со своей жизнью

Передо мной мир с кучей возможностей, а я просто не знаю какую выбрать


You love art and you went to school for Law, is that right? I did a Google search to see if there was such a thing as a lawyer that specializes in the art world, and it looks like there is:

Maybe you can work in art law now, while still doing your own art, and you will probably meet people who will appreciate your art and maybe help you to exhibit and sell your art, so you can eventually do art full time. :)

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