I decided to take a break from everything: from study, from drawing.

in #photography6 years ago

Hello dear friends! Today I decided to postpone all my affairs and have a little rest, from drawing, from study. Just do nothing. To sit on the nature and eat a shish kebab. The weather is sort of like it's already warm, but I'll honestly sit on the nature for a long time not very good. It's getting cool. Therefore, it is necessary to take a warm sweater, so as not to freeze and not get sick.We went to my grandmother. In advance they bought meat and marinated it. We can say that we did not cook shish kebab, my father prepared shish kebab. That's good when there is a man in the family. Can relax and hope for my dad :)By the way, the shish kebab turned out very tasty.Guys, work, draw, dance, create, learn, but do not forget to rest. Sometimes it is necessary that the brain is completely relaxed. 

My grandfather's dog is Chile.Very very nice, well ... until you get angry.If you annoy - immediately climb sharp teeth, begins to growl and swear!There will be a small but alert guard for a private house) 

Привет дорогие друзья! Сегодня я решила отложить все свои дела и немного отдохнуть,от рисования, от учебы. Просто ничего не делать. Сидеть на природе и есть шашлык. Погода вроде как уже теплая, но скажу честно сидеть на природе долго не очень хорошо. Становится прохладно. Поэтому обязательно нужно брать теплую кофту, что бы не замерзнуть и не заболеть. Мы поехали к бабушке. Заранее купили мясо и замариновали его. Можно сказать что мы шашлык не готовили, шашлык готовил мой папа. Вот как хорошо, когда в семье есть мужчина. Можно расслабится и надеяться на папу :)Кстати, шашлык получился очень вкусный.Ребята, работайте, рисуйте, танцуйте, творите, учитесь, но не забывайте отдыхать. Иногда нужно что бы мозг полностью расслабился. 


That is a good idea. Now just chill your life. And enjoy the time.

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Great idea to take a breather @andrianna, especially on such a spring day, especially to eat kebab and Chile will get too, well done!

While taking some rest is good but its best when it's with tasty food ..

Wow beautiful photography dear @andrianna i like you photography thank you for shere this post i all time like and support and upvote your post

Keep it up dwar

Wow! Such a wonderful food photography and very nice article. Really all photos are looks very nice. Thank you For sharing with us..
Have a great day D:) @andrianna,

Just today I thought to make grill I said I wish the whether will be warmer soon and I can organise a shish kebab party :) Lucky you had it with your family. I wish you enjoyed..

Wow... this meat looks very good... did you eat all ? :))
I just made a chicken in the oven.

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