Vegetable Quesadilla

in CCS5 months ago

Vegetable Quesadilla

Round flatbread (can be a tortilla, rustic flatbread)
Favorite seasoning (I have Caucasian for potatoes, you can also: salt, pepper, turmeric, coriander, paprika)
Chinese cabbage or lettuce
Bulgarian before
Mayonnaise, ketchup

Grease a frying pan with oil, put on medium heat. We spread the cake, grease the ketchup + mayonnaise, three cheese on top.

We spread Bulgarian pepper, tomato on half of the cake, sprinkle with seasonings on both sides. When the cheese has melted, spread Chinese cabbage or lettuce leaves on the tomato and pepper. Cut off the corner of the mayonnaise package, pour over the salad with a net. It is important to lay out lettuce or cabbage leaves before closing the quesadilla so that they are not cooked. Salt, pepper if necessary. There should be just enough ingredients so that the cake can close.

Close the quesadilla carefully and place on a plate. It should not burn, but should be crispy.




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This looks soooo good @andrianna!

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